Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Rajya Sabha condemns Markandey Katju for his remarks against Mahatma ...

Daily News & Analysis - ‎9 minutes ago‎
Cutting across political divide, Rajya Sabha members on Wednesday condemned former Supreme Court judge Markandey Katju for calling Mahatma Gandhi a British agent and Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose

one, with some even demanding 
I think  :

Every    one  has  his/her  democratic

right  of  " Personal  View " 

" Mohatma"   decor    was   a  personal

  oration   of   a poet    named

  Rabindronath   to    M.K.Ganndhi  and

 any one  has  his/her    individual and

 Democratic  right  to  disagree.

The  first  quality of  a  Mohatma   is  "

 SELF- CONTROL , I  think .(Ref : 

Vedanta :Bazra part  of  Brhadaranyaka )

And  by    such  measure, I  think  , only 

 god-lke men  can be ' Mohatma'-s.  

I think , ' Self  -Control'  is  the    godly  quality  of  evolving    man   and  Gandhi    failed  at least  twice   in  his life (  once  on the  day  of  his  father's  Death  and  also   once  reacting    to  the  victory  of  S.C.Bose   in  Democratic  Election ( 1930-s).

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