Saturday, November 16, 2013

DEATH ?? ---WHAT IS IT ???

Death  ?!
what  is  it
a mutable  logo
or  reality  on  final  term
or  the  finishing  'line ' of  Conscious  life  ? !

like   Jet- flight  experience
only  a   'Transit  -state'
for next  'Landing ' to 'Space ' beyond
or a return
evolving  to  another  Life
thus  a   'Cyclic - Change'  beyond
for  a  higher   or  demoted  Life !

the  'Cellular -  attire'   we  are  wearing  now
getting    degraded  , old  and   need  a change
for  renewal  of   our  consciousness   state
or  immutable  Soul
through   quantum  alley-s  and  doors
of  material  manifested  forms
to  re-shape  our  real   life
or super-conscious  Soul
and  readied   for   our  next   change
or  posting   as  we  deserve .

Death !!
who  coined  the  name  and   meaning  what ?!
Or  to  frighten  us   so  much
with  alphabetic-sport !

If  matter  is  convertible
why  not   our  Conscious  spirit  and  Soul
our  real  identity ?!
Composed  : 11/06 /2013 ;  Submitted  for  'Share  a  Poem ' after  reading  an  article ; "Science  proves  there  is  an  afterlife, says  physicist"(Prof Robert  Lanza ), -The Times  of  India , 17/ 11 / 2013 , Kolkata , India , P 19 .

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