Friday, November 22, 2013


Tehelka case: Tejpal booked for rape; Shoma responds to Goa Police, assures ...

Hindustan Times - ‎9 minutes ago‎
A day after Goa police booked Tehelka founder Tarun Tejpal for allegedly raping and outraging the modesty of a woman colleague at an event earlier this month, @Tehelka on Saturday morning tweeted that managing editor Shoma Chaudhury has 
Once in BHARAT (Gupta period) 
women were respected as mother 
or honored like messengers from god 
Once in in 1940-s in Calcutta ( my student life ) 
Girls and ladies were safe even in mid-night - bus .
Now in 21st Century even Delhi is titled , I learn
'the Gang-Rape- Capital of India " - and
the Sex-hungry virus spread all over India it seems
and even unto some top-class Media- hero-s
of Goa and I wonder :
How much India now is prospering fast !!

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