Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Or   is  it   Predestination  ?
"  you will  be   a  disgrace  to  yourself
and  to  your  family "  too
despaired  his  father , - who
wanted  him  to  be  a doctor .

He  tried to  be    lawyer  instead  and
 did  not  like   it  any way   himself
and  shifted  himself  to  church
seeking  Divinity .

But  divinity  pushed  him   from  the  Land
 to  Sea ;  to  sail   for long - long  time
and  he  suffered  from  depression  often
 but  did not  got   himself  drowned   in-spite  !

Then  he  came  back  and  wrote  a  book
 locked  for  15  years   guided  by  whim.

Now   he  met  the  Publisher   who
 disliked  it  very   much   and  advised  him  to
write  something  on  'Pigeon '  instead   - for
 that  was  popular  the-the-time
and which  he  did not but
preferred  to learn   all  earthworm -life.

Then   some  when    on  Time -scale
 Charles  Darwin  poised  on  Global -stage
even  though   Science
does not  agree  with    a logo
 named   Predestination .
Composed : 11/13/2013 ; This  is  a  bit  different   poetry  ; experimental  way .

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