Wednesday, November 27, 2013

" BERLO OVER TAX FRAUD " - T.O . I , Kolkata ; India 28 Nov . , 2013

" Last  week  in   Babylon  ; last  night  in  Rome "

Gladiators  fighting   each-other   to  survive
and   Nero   playing  flute  with  wife (?) .

Yesterday   another ' Nero'  in Goa
mentioned  in   Tehelka   -Game
This   morning   a Roman   Ex-PM
he  is  I  think ,    Berlusconi   by  name

Some  is  history   of    Roman  days
other   Roman    ex-lord
Some one  a  Bollywood  ex - hero
and " Berlo  over   Tax  fraud "
11/28 /2013 ; (Poetry   in  lighter  vein )

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