Friday, November 15, 2013


"--- all  life   is  one " - Bll  Bryson 

And  I  believe  it  too
 and  that  is  : 
 from    microbe or  plant  to  the   insect   or  
from   cellular  life   to   biped  man 
including  all   life  everywhere  
like  me  or you  or  even  otherwise 
from  apes  to  saints  
was  started  but  from  a ' single   plan' 
through  divine-natural -agent  or DNA  as known 
 for the ' Stuff  of  Life '
that  was  seeded  down   in  Cosmos 
 unto  this  Earth 
through UN-ending   device   of   Big-Bang-s   
creating   Time
and   Cyclic  form  of   Universes   
in  the    Cosmic  Garden   of  Eternity-span 
as   a    play -house  of   all  conscious   Life 
by  the  grand  Designer - or
the   Divine   as  I  like  to  name  . 
Composed  : 11/15/2013 .

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