Friday, July 27, 2012

The  World  is  one .,  life  is  one ; names  and  forms  are  only 'bricks'
The  sky  is  ONE  , -your  East or  West---are not real  but human  tricks
All  Water  is  one , your  Oceans and Sea  or   other  names  are only  forms
Divine's  will  is  One   in multiple   'Forces';  all  manifestations  are but --a Singular  GAME
NATIONS  are many ;  Humanity  ONE ;even  insects  and  worms  are but variant breeds
Thev Divine  the ONLY ; the  names may  vary ;  the  Singular  FATHER  with  Billions of  kids
The  tree  and branches  do  divide - divide;  the   twigs  , buds and leaves , --belong to whom
The  root  is  ONE that   lie beyond all  vision ;  from a  singular  seed   comes  all the  bloom !
Composed  in 1993(26 Th. June ; while in U.S.A)

Thursday, July 26, 2012


THE  Mid-night  killing  
" The  DARK  KNIGHT  " --Screening
About a  dozen  dead --and
 almost  four dozen wounded
the  Hunting - Game  with  AK-forty-seven  at Colorado !

Not  a  robbery
nor  any ' Global  Terror'
nor even by a  Social  criminal  -free !
or by  professional killer
But  by  brilliant and  talented youth
and  --James  Holmes  his name !

Even  Sherlock Holmes  would  dare-say  no more
-" Elementary  Watson . - elementary''--
As because ---------------
It is  even  beyond  Sherlock  Holmes !

And there is  nothing  to guess ; nothing  to  smell or  sniff
even nothing  more  there ,  to   un-cover--  lie
Andd  everything  is  so  open and  exposed  -like
under mid day  burning  SUN !

If  one can  buy  4 guns including AK47, there
how  can  I  defend  myself
even with  Second Amendment , -dear
as  with my  timid  soul and  unskilled  hand
can  ever face  any  AK47  and
 talent and  nerve  of  one
whose name  is  James  Holmes ----so
Help me  my  God !

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


What is  poetry ?
Without  rhyming , it's  no  -poetry ; so many said
without the  word  'love'  , -it is not  poetry ; others  thought
without  traditional  rhythm  or  tailored  cadence , - it is  not poetry
i have been  often  warned  !
While  to  me  , -- most  essential  is  but the  ESSENCE
if  one  agrees or not !

Here below . I  venture  to  submit  a poem  from  Quotation
even  if  I  am  rejected  down-right or  not :

The  young man , here of  my  tale  was  ---
" hopelessly  UN-employable---
often cut  class !
not liked  by  his  professors ...
even  considered  Suicide  !"

" Misfortune of  my poor  parents
nothing  but  a  burden of  relatives
It  would be  surely  better, --if  I  did not  live  at all"

"Thought  of  joining  Insurance  company
started  tuition-job , -but was  fired !"

Does it not  suit  to be the  Bio Data  of   a person
named  Albert  Einstein  ?
An  experimental  sort  of  NEO -Poetry .


On the exit- way 
 looked  in the   mirror
saw myself ,--who asked 
--'why  still  here ,-my dear ? '
as  I did  not know !
and  could not  reply !

Came  out  to  riverside garden
Evening -Sun  sliding  down
asking me  again the  same way
--' why  still  here --my dear' ?
And  again  smiled  back ---for
I  did  not know --and 
could not reply !

Einstein's right: Higher you live, faster you age

Times of India - 
LONDON: The world's most accurate atomic clock has clearly proved the nearly 100-year-old theory by Albert Einstein that time is a relative concept and the higher you live above sea level the faster you should age.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Though  book-knowledge , --can  never  know  IT
Neither  intellect  nor  mythology  nor  History  can  trace  IT
When   the    DIVINE  ITSELF   select or  elect  the  one  IT  choose
 Only  he  or she is the  blessed  soul  to know the   SELF !

****(Transliteration  by  Hiranmoy Gautom ; from  KATHOPANISHAT or  VEDANTA )

The  morning  sun  played  quite long  with  me 
high noon  -- even  more  led me to  fight
 afternoon   shades  felt  tired  sometimes
and  sliding  sun-set    seeks   respite !


In  India  and  July  now
Monsoon  yet   on  slow  decline
Tropical  sky  with  flying   clouds
scattered   ,  heavy  some times  dark
 in between the  azure   washed  clean  blue  !

reminds  me  of    floating  thoughts
on the  back  drop  of  my  spread-out  soul !

Sunday, July 22, 2012


Long , long  back
Before  'Facebook"  was  born
Learnt abut  ' Faces' and   Self'
In  Brihadaranyaka - Upanishad
Under   "City of  Brahman"
( 3,000 B.C).

Interesting  association
between  'Facebook'    of  today
and  also SOUL !
through  a story of  Indra  &  Virochan .
Those who are interested --may
 ask me , to  write  about - in
 Poetry .com -or Facebook  itself .

 Or,  all are requested to  read that  story
through  GOOGLE  or  WIKIPEDIA--for
it  is   interesting  and  illuminating
for  any one of  any Age.

Latest  Report

Sometimes  feel tired
sometimes  feel ---losing !
some-when something  triggers within
to tell --' get on !'
and - Life  goes  on ! !
Look Back  in   Frustration

I  know  my  I.Q  won't  help me much
yet  I  wish  ,---I was
intelligent enough  for Modern Time
and  a  bit of  Cunning  too 
dumping  all my sense  of  moral -nonsense !

I  won't  mind  then-after  a  Mega- scam success of  a  few hundred   crores
even if  i  am  put in some   5-star  jail
with  good  food and  some  pretty  serving  girls
Of  course,  there  will be a few  greedy   serving  officials  , I know
licking from  my  lavish  hands.

I  also  know  , 
to manage a  bail is  nothing impossible  these days
and while the  litigation , these days 
run for  fifty   limping  years--to the least
only  my  grand children  will  have to  deal  from my side.

Meantime, with my   hidden,dumped wealth , I can  visit  all  foreign  lands 
even if  some  ' Olympic' come on  my  way.
Scandal is no problem  --so long 
Media can be  fed well  to project my  smiling  face
and enough people paid  to  sing in praise of mine..

Yes  !  why not  and even  can  climb up to  HALL  OF   FAME
with  the  wealth  of     Mega- Scam , supporting   my  well- guarded  Base !

Saturday, July 21, 2012


What is  ATHEISM  --I don't understand yet
'  Disbelief in  god ' -Oxford Dictionary   defines  thus !
Well,  --what is   God  other than a  Logo or  English  word ?
Or,  does  Atheism    means  'Disbelief ' in  any ' Personal  God'

Well, I  don't believe  in  Personal  God but  strongly  believe , else
in   Omnipotent  Impersonal    Absolute or  the   First Cause .
Does the  word  'Atheist'    mean :  they  don't have  faith   in  anything, even in themselves ?
If  not ,  --how  one  is  an  atheist  if  he  he  has faith  somewhere , -in something.

I  have  known  and read  about  some  'Spiritual atheist '
Who  are  or  were  more  SPIRITUAL  than  so called   'Blind  - Believers'
with    faith and poise  , so   frazzle  like  rotten wood - and  who
try  to  wash-clean   their  dark  deeds  by  attempts  to bribe their  Lords !

If  God  can  be  won  over  through  REDEMPTION  after  some  Sinful  deed
who  can  be  more  Corrupt  than these   Scriptural  lords !
More   Atheists  are , I  think , more  SPIRITUAL'  than    'Shaded' believers '
Who  assures  relief and  happiness through  Ransom or redemption , whatever  form !
Traveled back in  path of reminiscence and  feel so amused  now
It was a  five decade back-side  story and offer you a glimpse , if --allow

i  asked  a  little  bow  to write ' Democracy  who used  to come  to me  to learn
and  what did I  find  , you think , when he  wrote it  down
He  wrote the  word  ' Demoncracy'  but  by mistake or  what --don't know
But  did not  forget to  scold him  to prove  my  superior  show

Fifty and more  years  have rolled past  and am an old man now
Looking back through that long  life , -feel  amused  some how

How  he  invented that ' Demoncracy'; what was in his mind
when  the  real  word  was  ' Democracy' ; what   funny memory  I  find !

Friday, July 20, 2012

Physical  Desire is  normal physiology and
is not  Love.
' I love  you '  --a  Slogan ; most often  are  traps and 
is not  Love .
Commercial  motive and  planned  device of  mammon art
is  not  Love
Vital  need  and  demands  of  Natural  life and living  , though  normal
is  not Love
Clever make-up-s   and   stylish  tech-s of modern  days
is not Love
Addictions  and  passions  in disguise of    'love '- camouflage
is not  Love .

Love  is  the  subtle  vibration  of our  inner  soul
for  cosmic play
Love  is our  Heart's immutable  design
for  eternal  joy
Love is  evolving  through  body -  mind -soul
to  play , -NATURE's way
like  buds and  flowers'  subtle  expansion
in  mute  fragrance  and  display .
Love  is  a  up-lifting feeling
Love   is  a  subtle  vibration
Love is  expression of  soul
love  is  not an  action .

Feeling  good  is  love
"I love  you ' is   abuse  of the  the  word 'Love'
Love  can  not be a transitive  verve
Neither all  passions  or  addictions   are  'Love'

Abusing the  word  'Love'  is  the  Sport 
 of  the  modern  World  !
Tell me otherwise ----
'I love  drinking'  ; -is it love ?
'I love  gambling'  ; is it love ?
'I love hunting' --Is it  love ?

Then  'I  love  cheating'  ---must also be  Love !
Finally  dear , --don't use  the  word ' love' as  a transitive  verve.
I  don't care  to know , -if  I am  grammatically  right or  wrong
But "I  love  stealing '  is   surely  not  admissible  as an action of  Love !

 ! !

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Shall  come  back  again
after my  death.
It is  is  not  only  my belief -
but  I   know.

Deathj  is  only  a  logo or  word
devised  by  human  thoughts or  comprehension
as ,-- within limitation  we all  exist .
Death can never  be the  End ---because
Recycling  and  Equivalence  is  now   physical  law
and  Cyclic Universe  ,  the  admitted  Out-come !  .

Have  to come back  once  again ---for
so much  yet  to learn and  experience
so many   committed mistakes  , -- to  rectify
so many  ways  to expand  and  encircle
so  many more  lives  to Love  and  embrace

Shall  come back  again --I  Know
as , -my  SOUL is  immortal  beyond  all  Time  and Space  .

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


When some  Hiroshima  was  , en mass,  dying
Nobody was  playing a flute  , --I know
but mos  Nations  were  in slumber or  dreaming
for owning  similar  Magic-wand  ,  for  show

Today the  World  can  be burnt  en-mass
several times  over  with  these  magic Bomb
buut who will be  left over  for  a  second show
though  thousands  will be  left near  Unified - tomb

If    left  alive with a  flute, I  would like to play
in front of this  Global  Dying - dis play !
    Parallel  Views

'Some  people say
the  World  was  created  for  us
--seen any way '

And  if  Tigers  could write and publish their  book
they would print their  following  out look:
that  men were created by  God  for  Tiger- Race to eat
but men , as they are  most sinful refuse to  offer their meat
and  device  all  hateful  , clever  dirty  ways
to resist the  worthy  and 'chosen '  Tiger- race
and thus  disobey the   Laws of  Tiger - lord
and kill innocent  tigers  with  sporting  rifle -shot.

As such this men after death  to  Hell , -should go
as they  deserve it  for their  bad  spirit and Ego .
Rendered  into  Poetry  after  Vivekananda's  discourse  to his  Disciples
( Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda ; 12th Reprint  1985; P412 )

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Modern Statistics :

Ten person population of  Island  X
and all  starving in that  primitive Land
then one  escaped  to Dubai, -by some means
And  after a decade he returns to his Island 
with  10 million  U.s.d.

While,   nine others  were still starving 
the  Per-head    income  shot up to 
 million   dollars  per head..

The  Islands X  now  declared a   ' developed  Nation'
with  90 percent still starving ,  -though !

Higher  Knowledge

Go  beyond the  event
follow the  man  stealing from a  shop
follow  him  further unto his  house
find the  thief  feeding his  children
with  the  value of the  stolen wealth.
Even  can  follow  beyond-where
he  is buying  a toy or a book for  children
or a piece of new  garment for  his  wife,

Now your  initial  knowledge  matures up
 into higher knowledge.

Friday, July 13, 2012

The  Auto-biography of  a  Homo-sapien

That  was  another  time
and  my teen-age life
with dreams of flying like bird
wanted to cover the  sky
1947 was the Time-line  --when
 I was declared a  Refugee-boy !

That was  another  time
yet  my  teenage life
wanted to be one of the world
and my Mother-land  severed into halves
came to a  bigger starving  world
and being bled by  Communal Clash !

This is  another  time
learned : this World is a tiny dot
on Galactic  spreading  Universe
wanted  to be  one with the  World
became a  US-Citizen  though
and even  with  'O.C.I' - stamp.

This  is  another  TIME
though desired to be Citizen of the World
but  found a  fragmented , splintered World
All Homo sapiens grouped in  hundred ways
while still desire to be a  citizen of  this  World
And  U.N.O  is  yet a   'Consolation ' stamp !

Monday, July 9, 2012

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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Oh !  my God
please  tell  Lederman, when he meets you
that the   ' Goddamn  Particle  , his missing  child
has  at last been found ( perhaps) !
Though  baptised   and  named  by  Editor
of  media  World ,( the Earthly God-father)
in your own name  , --as  God -Particle
or the  Higgs-Boson child

The  M.L. I ( Medico-Legal Identity )
is  still  going  on.

Of  the  three, joining paternity
Robert  Brout  has  already, as known
joined , back to You
in  1911-Earth -Time ; please  tell  him too !
Often wanted  to tell you so much
ever sought and  searched for  words
found at last --after my  final search
 words were so dwarf  or  crippled  as such
could  not  say or  express my heart
could not  dress --my  thoughts in word !

We met and  talked   dear, --so many  times
we talked  and  talked   and  could not decide
if  it would not   be  better  if   there  some
interpreter  or  mediator  between   us 
Twilight on my  evening door
all stored up thoughts in dark recess
yet they  peep out  and whisper
,as  if , to  try 
a dialogue in silence  with  myself !

Now  some  silent  walk on lonely path
and  within -vibration in silence, -  sing
when all eloquence  and  spectral joy
slowly  depart and  sleep within !

Even   keeps  me  awake and  I await
 for  some distant message  of  eternal love  !

Tuesday, July 3, 2012



It  was my  young life while  in my college days
was dreaming for some  young love ; never  knew a   friend
It was in my friend's house  and evening was the  time
a distant relative of  my friend visited their house
And it  was a  Bengali song  and words were  as I  quote :
-'I am going to the land of   'no return' and  am taking  leave  now
after seing  you only once  ; I  promise you with my vow '.

 She  was  also  as a  young girl but  was  totally  blind
 was  once the victim of small pox ; marks  all over her face I  found
She   sang the  song with her  golden voice. leaving me  astound !
As told  , I was  but a young one and  remember  that even now
Tears  dropped from my  hiding face when she sang those   words
-" where from  no one  returns  from there  I shall leave for  now
after  seeing  you  only once I promise  you with my  vow."
(Being totally  blind , how could  she  see,-- whom and  then how !)

Yes  I was a  young boy and  I promised  even that day
I was ready to  love and  marry her if life permitted that way
Seven decades are long long time my memory  even now  shines
Really,  that was  my   young  love with no physical  reality of time !