Friday, July 20, 2012

Physical  Desire is  normal physiology and
is not  Love.
' I love  you '  --a  Slogan ; most often  are  traps and 
is not  Love .
Commercial  motive and  planned  device of  mammon art
is  not  Love
Vital  need  and  demands  of  Natural  life and living  , though  normal
is  not Love
Clever make-up-s   and   stylish  tech-s of modern  days
is not Love
Addictions  and  passions  in disguise of    'love '- camouflage
is not  Love .

Love  is  the  subtle  vibration  of our  inner  soul
for  cosmic play
Love  is our  Heart's immutable  design
for  eternal  joy
Love is  evolving  through  body -  mind -soul
to  play , -NATURE's way
like  buds and  flowers'  subtle  expansion
in  mute  fragrance  and  display .

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