Wednesday, July 25, 2012


What is  poetry ?
Without  rhyming , it's  no  -poetry ; so many said
without the  word  'love'  , -it is not  poetry ; others  thought
without  traditional  rhythm  or  tailored  cadence , - it is  not poetry
i have been  often  warned  !
While  to  me  , -- most  essential  is  but the  ESSENCE
if  one  agrees or not !

Here below . I  venture  to  submit  a poem  from  Quotation
even  if  I  am  rejected  down-right or  not :

The  young man , here of  my  tale  was  ---
" hopelessly  UN-employable---
often cut  class !
not liked  by  his  professors ...
even  considered  Suicide  !"

" Misfortune of  my poor  parents
nothing  but  a  burden of  relatives
It  would be  surely  better, --if  I  did not  live  at all"

"Thought  of  joining  Insurance  company
started  tuition-job , -but was  fired !"

Does it not  suit  to be the  Bio Data  of   a person
named  Albert  Einstein  ?
An  experimental  sort  of  NEO -Poetry .

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