Thursday, July 26, 2012


THE  Mid-night  killing  
" The  DARK  KNIGHT  " --Screening
About a  dozen  dead --and
 almost  four dozen wounded
the  Hunting - Game  with  AK-forty-seven  at Colorado !

Not  a  robbery
nor  any ' Global  Terror'
nor even by a  Social  criminal  -free !
or by  professional killer
But  by  brilliant and  talented youth
and  --James  Holmes  his name !

Even  Sherlock Holmes  would  dare-say  no more
-" Elementary  Watson . - elementary''--
As because ---------------
It is  even  beyond  Sherlock  Holmes !

And there is  nothing  to guess ; nothing  to  smell or  sniff
even nothing  more  there ,  to   un-cover--  lie
Andd  everything  is  so  open and  exposed  -like
under mid day  burning  SUN !

If  one can  buy  4 guns including AK47, there
how  can  I  defend  myself
even with  Second Amendment , -dear
as  with my  timid  soul and  unskilled  hand
can  ever face  any  AK47  and
 talent and  nerve  of  one
whose name  is  James  Holmes ----so
Help me  my  God !

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