Thursday, July 19, 2012

Shall  come  back  again
after my  death.
It is  is  not  only  my belief -
but  I   know.

Deathj  is  only  a  logo or  word
devised  by  human  thoughts or  comprehension
as ,-- within limitation  we all  exist .
Death can never  be the  End ---because
Recycling  and  Equivalence  is  now   physical  law
and  Cyclic Universe  ,  the  admitted  Out-come !  .

Have  to come back  once  again ---for
so much  yet  to learn and  experience
so many   committed mistakes  , -- to  rectify
so many  ways  to expand  and  encircle
so  many more  lives  to Love  and  embrace

Shall  come back  again --I  Know
as , -my  SOUL is  immortal  beyond  all  Time  and Space  .

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