Friday, July 13, 2012

The  Auto-biography of  a  Homo-sapien

That  was  another  time
and  my teen-age life
with dreams of flying like bird
wanted to cover the  sky
1947 was the Time-line  --when
 I was declared a  Refugee-boy !

That was  another  time
yet  my  teenage life
wanted to be one of the world
and my Mother-land  severed into halves
came to a  bigger starving  world
and being bled by  Communal Clash !

This is  another  time
learned : this World is a tiny dot
on Galactic  spreading  Universe
wanted  to be  one with the  World
became a  US-Citizen  though
and even  with  'O.C.I' - stamp.

This  is  another  TIME
though desired to be Citizen of the World
but  found a  fragmented , splintered World
All Homo sapiens grouped in  hundred ways
while still desire to be a  citizen of  this  World
And  U.N.O  is  yet a   'Consolation ' stamp !

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