Saturday, July 21, 2012


What is  ATHEISM  --I don't understand yet
'  Disbelief in  god ' -Oxford Dictionary   defines  thus !
Well,  --what is   God  other than a  Logo or  English  word ?
Or,  does  Atheism    means  'Disbelief ' in  any ' Personal  God'

Well, I  don't believe  in  Personal  God but  strongly  believe , else
in   Omnipotent  Impersonal    Absolute or  the   First Cause .
Does the  word  'Atheist'    mean :  they  don't have  faith   in  anything, even in themselves ?
If  not ,  --how  one  is  an  atheist  if  he  he  has faith  somewhere , -in something.

I  have  known  and read  about  some  'Spiritual atheist '
Who  are  or  were  more  SPIRITUAL  than  so called   'Blind  - Believers'
with    faith and poise  , so   frazzle  like  rotten wood - and  who
try  to  wash-clean   their  dark  deeds  by  attempts  to bribe their  Lords !

If  God  can  be  won  over  through  REDEMPTION  after  some  Sinful  deed
who  can  be  more  Corrupt  than these   Scriptural  lords !
More   Atheists  are , I  think , more  SPIRITUAL'  than    'Shaded' believers '
Who  assures  relief and  happiness through  Ransom or redemption , whatever  form !

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