Friday, July 27, 2012

The  World  is  one .,  life  is  one ; names  and  forms  are  only 'bricks'
The  sky  is  ONE  , -your  East or  West---are not real  but human  tricks
All  Water  is  one , your  Oceans and Sea  or   other  names  are only  forms
Divine's  will  is  One   in multiple   'Forces';  all  manifestations  are but --a Singular  GAME
NATIONS  are many ;  Humanity  ONE ;even  insects  and  worms  are but variant breeds
Thev Divine  the ONLY ; the  names may  vary ;  the  Singular  FATHER  with  Billions of  kids
The  tree  and branches  do  divide - divide;  the   twigs  , buds and leaves , --belong to whom
The  root  is  ONE that   lie beyond all  vision ;  from a  singular  seed   comes  all the  bloom !
Composed  in 1993(26 Th. June ; while in U.S.A)

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