Wednesday, July 18, 2012

    Parallel  Views

'Some  people say
the  World  was  created  for  us
--seen any way '

And  if  Tigers  could write and publish their  book
they would print their  following  out look:
that  men were created by  God  for  Tiger- Race to eat
but men , as they are  most sinful refuse to  offer their meat
and  device  all  hateful  , clever  dirty  ways
to resist the  worthy  and 'chosen '  Tiger- race
and thus  disobey the   Laws of  Tiger - lord
and kill innocent  tigers  with  sporting  rifle -shot.

As such this men after death  to  Hell , -should go
as they  deserve it  for their  bad  spirit and Ego .
Rendered  into  Poetry  after  Vivekananda's  discourse  to his  Disciples
( Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda ; 12th Reprint  1985; P412 )

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