Sunday, July 22, 2012

Look Back  in   Frustration

I  know  my  I.Q  won't  help me much
yet  I  wish  ,---I was
intelligent enough  for Modern Time
and  a  bit of  Cunning  too 
dumping  all my sense  of  moral -nonsense !

I  won't  mind  then-after  a  Mega- scam success of  a  few hundred   crores
even if  i  am  put in some   5-star  jail
with  good  food and  some  pretty  serving  girls
Of  course,  there  will be a few  greedy   serving  officials  , I know
licking from  my  lavish  hands.

I  also  know  , 
to manage a  bail is  nothing impossible  these days
and while the  litigation , these days 
run for  fifty   limping  years--to the least
only  my  grand children  will  have to  deal  from my side.

Meantime, with my   hidden,dumped wealth , I can  visit  all  foreign  lands 
even if  some  ' Olympic' come on  my  way.
Scandal is no problem  --so long 
Media can be  fed well  to project my  smiling  face
and enough people paid  to  sing in praise of mine..

Yes  !  why not  and even  can  climb up to  HALL  OF   FAME
with  the  wealth  of     Mega- Scam , supporting   my  well- guarded  Base !

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