Friday, July 20, 2012

Love  is  a  up-lifting feeling
Love   is  a  subtle  vibration
Love is  expression of  soul
love  is  not an  action .

Feeling  good  is  love
"I love  you ' is   abuse  of the  the  word 'Love'
Love  can  not be a transitive  verve
Neither all  passions  or  addictions   are  'Love'

Abusing the  word  'Love'  is  the  Sport 
 of  the  modern  World  !
Tell me otherwise ----
'I love  drinking'  ; -is it love ?
'I love  gambling'  ; is it love ?
'I love hunting' --Is it  love ?

Then  'I  love  cheating'  ---must also be  Love !
Finally  dear , --don't use  the  word ' love' as  a transitive  verve.
I  don't care  to know , -if  I am  grammatically  right or  wrong
But "I  love  stealing '  is   surely  not  admissible  as an action of  Love !

 ! !

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