Tuesday, July 3, 2012



It  was my  young life while  in my college days
was dreaming for some  young love ; never  knew a   friend
It was in my friend's house  and evening was the  time
a distant relative of  my friend visited their house
And it  was a  Bengali song  and words were  as I  quote :
-'I am going to the land of   'no return' and  am taking  leave  now
after seing  you only once  ; I  promise you with my vow '.

 She  was  also  as a  young girl but  was  totally  blind
 was  once the victim of small pox ; marks  all over her face I  found
She   sang the  song with her  golden voice. leaving me  astound !
As told  , I was  but a young one and  remember  that even now
Tears  dropped from my  hiding face when she sang those   words
-" where from  no one  returns  from there  I shall leave for  now
after  seeing  you  only once I promise  you with my  vow."
(Being totally  blind , how could  she  see,-- whom and  then how !)

Yes  I was a  young boy and  I promised  even that day
I was ready to  love and  marry her if life permitted that way
Seven decades are long long time my memory  even now  shines
Really,  that was  my   young  love with no physical  reality of time !

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