Thursday, October 29, 2009


Hearie.. Hearie , all -if awake
Those who have ear ,may hear, for God's sake
At last, it is our final global Atomic Stage
More Nations now determined to build self -image
of in- built strngth of killing -art
What ! if children are starving somewhere -but
now we' are preparing for Unified-Death
Atomic Bombs qand missiles are final strength
standing tall to frighten the foe
let billions starve but let us grow
strong and tall ; it's Atomic Age
thiusands of 'Bombs', - ready on Global Stage
Hearie ! Hearie ; who want to know
All get ready for final Olympic show
The Unified Death On 'Singularity'- frame
for our final OLYMPIC Killing Game !(written in Benbagi in 1960s; now translated)

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