Friday, October 9, 2009


Even in good games there are half -times or recess allowed . And even in Greek tragedies there are assured 'reliefs' for the sake of play.
So. after those three escapes, let me relax a beat and in lighter vein.........
I am now eighty plus and have earned the right to relax or run to any 'escape' and
as such am a U.S.A -citizen and am relaxing in my son's three-floored house and only two persons to live there, allowing my son to live in chicago with his family and in his another house... That is fun !-for a man, like me, who never saw a train until he was fifteen.
Yes ! what is life ! And I had so much of it in so many ways and so much types that my children or any of modern era should envy me or feel jelous . I feel , as if in my one single life, I have experienced and passed through all phases of evolutiona and changes of civillisation ,from a the remostest colonial village life unto the -'Statue of Liberty'.
Unto the age of seven to eight or nine years , all those near -death situations that told so far, was as I heard mostly from my ggrand mother and affirmed by my mother . Only the few prints of my joy with Chita-Gur buble up like broken memories. Hence on-wards , events shall have participattion of my memories.

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