Friday, October 9, 2009


So neither a dug -out grave nor drowning in a remote village in a big water reservoir (Govt. Pukur) was willing to offer a an 'Exit goor' for me . so I had to continue my living as a biological being. This statement is because of the fact all these happenings were, as I heard after-ward and not as I rememeber. T think I was seven or eight years old when I wa doing my next natural 'self killing' because the act was neither with my ignorage nor with my intelligence.
My father used to do a boarding -house business in Delhi and we i.e my mother and thre other brothers and a sister were living in the village called Shehangal in the distrct of Barisal of Dhaka division of Bengal i.e about 900 miles from Delhi and with our cousin sisters ,Uncle and aunt (then a joint family). My Uncle was a primary scool,teacher and loved me very much ,as his own son ,having no son of his own. He used to somke Hukka (a sort of smoking tobaco through a water pot) and used make tobaco-balls mixing churned tobaco with fermented molases (CHITE-GUR).That was the day when he bought a good amount (one seer or 2 lbs -apprx) from the haatkhola (markrt), kept it uder the cot (khat). Suffering from malaria too often and hoarding all types of worms (krimi)and being ever hungry for anything sweet( I was a all-time sick and thin),I missed not this chance and at night got to the mollases pot ate that thick sweet-bitter almost in full. The result was any body's guess anf for the next month the whole family and my Uncle (elder brother of my father) fought the final game with Yama-raja (king of Death) and snached me back from the grip of DEATH.

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