Monday, October 12, 2009


By then I was between seven and eight( perhaps) when I was on the river bank and the memory is still so vivid in my mind. My consciousness was now growing and getting invoved in my memory and life.
Back to our own village , sick and thinly built while growing fast and with lonelinesss around me though there was no darth of children around including my two elder brothers and my cousin brothers next door, I was not much Welcome to join any game with them beccause I was too weak to join any game with my pot- bellied shape with ever running nose.But that could not affect me much for my being happy as the rural set up for my being one with them and play happily with clouds ,birds. and gardens with ponds ,big and small, were all waiting around .
By this time I learnt swimming .In that rural Bengal, with ponds ,canals and rivers sprayed allround no child was expected to live for long unless he or she learnt swimming in shortest time .And whe nlearnt ,he gets another gift of natue , the swimmig space as another good play-mate. So my lonely disposition as I remember now , did not affect my child -hood happiness and joy as I had all natural playmates around me ever ready to invite me. Yes, I was perhaps the happiest child of the primitive world by Nature's choice!

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