Thursday, October 1, 2009

MY life & my experiences -- part - 1

I had so much desire to write about my life and my experiences. But ..but Mark Twain stood like a wall between me and my dream and desire , since his ovservations that 'Autobiographers are the greatest 'li'ars' who suprress selectively, some 'truths' from their life and high-light only brighter side and paint it more ' And I believe that.... In my case, too , I know I have so many things to hide because the world will whip me more than appreciating my daring to open myself up and try to be free.AND I am no Reusso nor Gandhi nor have their aura of influencing others.
Yet even it would be so much joyous and enlarging for my self because : I had some unique experiences and a few 'revelation' that perhaps very few had !
My child hood, in the first half of 20th Century (1930s) in a rural set up of the then Bengal where not even a cycle could be seen in the whole of the village and I did not see a Train until I was fifteen-plus and left my District 9barisal) for the first time for Calcutta in 1947, after political partition. I was mostly bare above my loin, with deep passion for fishing and abundance of mosquitoes feasting on my body while my only aspiration and dream in life was to catch fish. Other-times climbing mango-tree for green mango with a slicing snai-shell and playing marble were all that I needed to be happy.
From that 'bright, begining, that was a bundle of joy and happiness ,inspite of 'Malaria as my all time companion , upto the present living in U.S.A and, from experince of famine life of 1950s - to surfing on 'String'-theory of Cosmology and spiritual, Unitary appreciation and expansion within, with natural-'reliefs' in between , is really a treasure- hunt storey of success for me. (contd)

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