Thursday, October 8, 2009


08 oct o9: On this space-tome of evening and 'sunset' , i am trying to remember my life in my childhood, sittinng in my sons's house in delaware in U.S.A.Seems a bit strange Is it nostalgia ? No! It seems to me strange because I was not live so long a life.... I was expected to be dead three or four times before I was ten.
My grand mother told me tha when i was only seven months old my uncle (elder brothe of my father) dug a grave on the canal side of our remote village of the- then- Bengal and waiting and waiting smoking a hukka , for me to breath my last. I was suffering from some severe disease sice birth and my skin was peeling off. I was brought back even when death got tired of waiting for me longer.Maybe it was some sort of post-pertem complication or some un-diagnosed deficiency in me.There was no doctor within five miles radius and giving birth and accepting death was accepted as a natural game of Nature in those very remote rural set up in 1920s.
The second chance offered to me by Death to escape from fife was 'drowning' in the big pond of our home, when i was about five or six year old.This also i learnt from my grand mother. After getting drowned and sometimes after my body floated up for the final sinking and that was the slice of time when my elder bother noticed my body , shouted loud and grand mother came running ,jumped in, saved me by rescuing me and put me on her head,with my belly down-fcing and started revolving and snached be back from death without my chance to expressmy choice.So i was alive again !

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