Tuesday, October 20, 2009


It is difficult to for get and more difficult to write about rainy season of Bengal
When it signals its arrival every one older worry about life but we or i , at least.
More holi-day time , more leisure more drenching and playing with cloud and hiding escapes. when it rains , inrainy seaon , it would ratn ,maybe , for three to five or even a week at a stressed. My joy would multiply when would on my way to school school I would slip and fall or some time manage to fall on the slippery muddy path and could prove to my mother that it was very slippery rroad. Our primary school ( path-shala) was not very far from our house and if it was raining still my mother would change my clothes and then, herself force me to the school. The day when it was raining heavy and i was lucky and was allowed to stay , I would climb to the first floor balcoly , stealing some sweet or gaining some coconut strip from my mother , sit on the balcony open wide to the wild garden and sky and listen to the pattering sound al-around on treeleaves along with the music of rain fall near and beyond. Along with, the added joy would be the musical sharp notes of rain drops falling on the Tin-roof as if the the whole Nature playing the song of joy and even our house and roof joining the orchestral fastivity of drenching rain.

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