Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Not that I did not try to up-come otherwise. Back in our village I even paid two anas (one-eight-th of a rupee) so dear tome, to subscribe for membership of the village football team and was put, as final- fate, up as a goal keeper before .Even the half time the ball ruthlessly hit my belly and i stopped breathing on the spot. Within a few minutes ,though, I regained my breath, after help but was declared unfit for manly game and was ordered by the cqaptain to rest out side the field and then go home. Thus iI lost both my membership and my precious two annas wealth and I came back home weeping more for the loss of my wealth than my dimissal on the very first day of my sporting venture.
My physical fitness for out-door game ended there and my moneytary loss stayed with me for quite some time. ...I resumed my interest in independent sport of fishing or playing tops or marble games. In marble practice I gained some skill quite soon and a few more boys ,sick like me ,joined me .
The children of modern days with electric or even electronic toys won't even be able to guess how happy and full you feel when a few marbles dance in your pocket making noise or a top and the rope occupy your eager hands!

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