Saturday, October 10, 2009

My matenal- Uncle's house VI

My mother own village(Sonakur) was about five miles from our village , a river side village and the beauty of that river-side and the joy of my running to that river bank to see steamer passing through, the boatmen's calls, waves ever dancing wild is imprinted on my mind like colour prints of later day-photography.
Any way I am now to tell my forth trist with death wthin two years after the last one told. There was some festive ocassion and my Mejda(elder brother) was asked to cut and collect some banana leaves for the occassion and I joined my brother agaist his will to help him. My mejada was two and half years older than me , very sportive and goodhearted. We entered the guarden and my mejda had a curve 'Dao'(about a pound heavy with sharp edge and tip). I was then a jam-packed -fool and when he aimed to chop the banana stem ,just then ,I ran close to him and that sharp tip of the cutter, with full force landed on the top of my head and sofar I was told,the tip of the cutter got fixrd on my head . The subsequent events I don't remember except that vermillion (mercury) was one of the best emergency treatment and it was packed in the wound and I was not dead nor unconcious,(the tip of that cutter cuould not reach my brain matter-don't know why)!

1 comment:

  1. Those were formative events in your life to be sure .....
