Monday, October 19, 2009


Yes, somewhen during 1950s or 60s , I saw that picture (wish could read the book - as no film making can match the original writing) and I still remember the picture in this 2009 .But mine was not a valley but a vallage that was greeneer than green with rivers,canals and ponds knitting the village all round and in-between like Nature's knitting hobby.Even on the back-side of our home, beyond paddy-land , was a broad District Board road , wide , by any standard of the-then rural set-up.
Now ,in retrospect, I feel so lucky and,- grateful to the all mighty All-Divine that he decided such a place for my child-hood growth ;the vergin soil un-spoilt by modern machinary-_touch. Yes, ther was not even a bi-cycle , to distract me but there was everything imaginable for a child like me and Nature sprayed them all within and beyond my reach ,to feel myself the happiest child with least restriction of modern rule and vigillant-strictures.
There were so many trees to climb,seasonal fruits to pluck and eat, so many ponds and canal to swim and all type of fish to catch , birds to chase and clouds to scan that malaria , small fall and injuries or diarrhaea never bothered me much.

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