Thursday, October 22, 2009

MY CHILD HOOD & Hunting sport - XIV

In my last musical joy of rain in our villge , I missed mentioning about the joyous participation of croaking frogs and chirping birds without which the nature's play would remain inomplete and even to day in USA ,my memory would be proved snappy.
Soon after the rain was over my next plan would start with the fishing sport before I would be gripped hard by malaria which already started breeding fast and swarming as evening approached .Almost by this time ,as I eas growing, my next game was practising skill of aiming with wooden branch with rubber sling and aiming at any thing of my choice . By this time, I was really quite skilled and was sometimes almost successful. It so happened one day that while spending almost an hour in the jungle and returning , failing another day, I found sparrow on near by mango tree and took the last try and oh,to my joy - it dropped down , fluttering and dead . My joy of success knew no bound and I started dancing with loud joy of success , held the bird by its limp wing and started towards home when I Saw my mother returning home with water pitcher filled up. I jumped to her to give a proof of my skill and showed her my success.
My mother put down the picher ,stood by my side and suddenly with clenched fist gave a very heavy blow on my spine that spent backward instantly with the pain I cried.

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