Thursday, February 28, 2013

Thank  YOU  , if  you  have  loved  my   POEM  and   decided  to   PUBLISH  in  the  BOOK .I
I  am  willing   to  reserve  the  PURCHASE  of  a   SINGLE  COPY.

 I am  now in   INDIA  with  my  OCI -Status  ( Address  given  below ), May  I  request  you  to  send  the  FREE  PINS   to  my  India Address .
If  you  can not , please   send  them  to  my  son  (Rana Basu  in CHICAGO Address  as  given  below ).
Sincerely  yours ,
India ;  Dated  March , 1 , 2013  ( 7-45 AM , IST)

1 . Phani Basu ( Dr. P.Basu M.D )
    2 F #  ;  41 , G.T . Road  (E) , KONNAGAR, - 712235
    HOOGLY , West  Bengal , INDIA. 
     Ph: ( M)   India - 09051402078.

2, USA - Address : 
   C/o  RANA  BASU ( son) 
   298  NAUSET  LANE
   SCHAUMBURG , IL - 60194
   U.S.A .
   Ph : USA - 847-843-7238  


Tuesday, February 26, 2013

 " 'Emeritus  Pope  ' tag   for  outgoing Pontiff "---- The  Times of  India , kolkatta , Wednesday, feb. 27, 2013 , ( Times Global ; P  - 16 ).
Comment :
And   I  think ,   some  tag   for    some  cardinal   too  ---- !

Damian Thompson

Damian Thompson is Editor of Telegraph Blogs and a columnist for the Daily Telegraph. He was once described by The Church Times as a "blood-crazed ferret". He is on Twitter as HolySmoke. His book The Fix: How addiction is taking over your world has just been published in paperback.

Cardinal O'Brien gay sex scandal: this was a hit job that succeeded beyond the plotters' wildest dreams

Phanibhusan, claim your FREE Best Poet of 2012 Awards!
x via 
Jan 25
to me
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Phanibhusan, Congratulations on your
Best Poets of 2012 nomination!
Best Poets and Poems of 2012
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Phanibhusan Basu
Give me something to 'Hold & stand'. - - --- Here , where I am now (India), a...
Jan 25
Phanibhusan Basu
* Free Gifts , if I am entitled should be delivered at my India -Address( alr...
Jan 26
Phanibhusan Basu 
Feb 7
to info
This  is  to  inform you  again (  also  as  a  REMINDER )  that  :
I have  submitted  another  Poem  in  your  "SHARE  A  POEM " Section but  don't  expect  it  to  get  published  as  I  can not  change  my  declared  stand  about  the  condition of  Reviewing  2  poems . the  rule  set up  from your side .
 I  shall  change  my  stand  only  after  I  receive  the   AWARD ( declared by  you )  and  the  Book ( Published ),   at  my  India -Address. The  price of  the book  will be  paid  by  me  or   my  son ( Rana Basu  of  Chikagp  --Address given  before ) .
I am  willing  to  buy  all the   books  that  you  published  with  my   poem/poems  published  in them .
 Kindly  send  me the list  with  names of the  books  with   ISBN No-s   and  year  of  publication . 
Thanks , 
Phani Basu 
Phanibhushan / hiranmoy  gautom
2 F # 41, G.T . Road ( E ) , Konnagar, Hoogly  pin-712235. W.Bengal , India .
(M) 000-91-9051402078 .
Ref :   E-mal   from  Poetry .com  / World  poetry  Movement  January  17, 18   2013 ; also  january 25

Our special notices inform you of important
poetry awards and events available to you.

Your Best Poets and Poems of 2012 Award is Official!

You're Eligible to Win $10,000 in Cash and Prizes!
You'll also get two FREE Poet Award Pins!

Click here to submit your poem now!

Dear Phani,

Congratulations! Over the past 12 months we have been reviewing the poetic accomplishments of people whose poetry has recently been discovered in major poetry archives, poetry websites and in print editions released by various publishers in America and around the world.

It's my pleasure to inform you that you and your poetry have been selected to be published in the historic edition...

Best Poets and Poems of 2012
Library of Congress ISBN - 978-1-619-61936-075-4

Congratulations on your selection!

The new poem you submit to us will be showcased on an entire page devoted exclusively to you and your poetic artistry. You and your poetry will be featured along with a distinguished group of other contemporary poets that were nominated to participate in this highly sought after annual edition.

Click here to submit your poem now!

And that's not all...

You're Eligible to Win $10,000 in Cash and Prizes

To honor you and the rest of this elite group of talented individuals, we have established a contest with over $10,000.00 in cash and prizes that will be awarded to you and the other poets featured in this Historic Edition!

You're automatically eligible for these prizes, but you must submit your poem right now. Prizes will be announced April 2, 2013, with an anticipated publication date of May, 2013.

Click here to submit your poem now!

Best Poets and Poems of 2012 will be among the finest quality poetry books ever produced. Every aspect of design will convey the finest quality craftsmanship and attention to detail. It will make a handsome addition to any library, a treasured family keepsake or a highly valued personal gift. And best of all...

Best Poets and Poems of 2012 will
feature an entire page devoted to your poetry!

Before going any further, let me make one thing clear. You are under no obligation whatsoever to submit any entry fee or subsidy payment, or to make any purchase of any kind.

Click here to submit your poem now!

Of course, many people do wish to own a copy of the book in which their artistry appears. If you would like to order a copy, please see the attached order form for special discount information.

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A $79.90 Value - Yours Free!

To commemorate your participation in this historic event, you'll also be awarded two beautiful lapel pins that have been custom designed in honor of you and your poetry. These impressive jewelry pieces feature elegant designs and meticulous craftsmanship, to formally recognize your poetic contributions.

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You may order these two beautiful pins for $39.95 each, or GET THEM FOR FREE when you place an order for the book that features your poetry. You get one pin for FREE ($39.95 value!) with any order, or get BOTH PINS FREE (a $79.90 value) with any order of $60.00!

So What Happens Now?

As soon as we receive your poem, it will be typeset for publication and become eligible for the$10,000 in cash and prizes that will be awarded to you and the other poets chosen to participate in this historic project.

Click here to submit your poem now!

And let me assure you, your poem remains your property Best Poets and Poems of 2012 is copyrighted as a compilation. This means that you retain all rights to your own work of art.

Please Enter Your Poem Right Away!

In order to make our scheduled publication date, you must submit your poem right now. Your poem must be original, it must be 26 lines or less, on any subject, and in any style, and it must be previously unpublished.

Click here to submit your poem now!

And, if you wish to order a copy of Best Poets and Poems of 2012 at our special pre- publication price, please complete the attached order form (you are under no obligation to order anything).

You also have the opportunity to include some personal information about yourself and your poetry. In this way, the general public, your fellow poets, and members of the media can discover more about you, and the meaning poetry has in your life.

Although we must charge a nominal typesetting fee for this service, you're under no obligation to include this information. Your poem can be published without it if you wish. Please see the attached Artist's Biographical Information and Profile for further information.

Again, congratulations!

Best Poets and Poems of 2012 promises to be a highly sought after resource of contemporary poets. We feel fortunate to have discovered your talent and believe you and your artistry will add to the importance and appeal of this edition. Your participation in this special annual edition is greatly appreciated.

Click here to submit your poem now!


Suzanne Hilary
Chief Editor 

Damian Thompson

Damian Thompson is Editor of Telegraph Blogs and a columnist for the Daily Telegraph. He was once described by The Church Times as a "blood-crazed ferret". He is on Twitter as HolySmoke. His book The Fix: How addiction is taking over your world has just been published in paperback.

Cardinal O'Brien gay sex scandal: this was a hit job that succeeded beyond the plotters' wildest dreams

Cardinal O'Brien's downfall was carefully planned
The Cardinal Keith O'Brien Downfall video had been ready to run for ages. The story of three priests and one ex-priest complaining of inappropriate behaviour was timed to break when the Scottish prelate retired at 75 next month. The aim was to expose his alleged hypocrisy. To quote our blogger Stephen Hough, responding in the comments to his blog post yesterday, "I'm convinced that what he did (if he did it) was harmless enough, but he may not have thought it harmless if he'd caught other priests doing it … at least until this week." If the scandal had come to light next month, that would have been nicely timed to ruin the Cardinal's reputation just when the media would be running retrospective pieces about him. And, of course, it would throw a spotlight on O'Brien's passionate opposition to gay marriage, effectively silencing the Scottish Catholic Church on this subject, and probably the Church in the rest of Britain, too.
What no one could have guessed is that Pope Benedict would resign, meaning that Cardinal O'Brien would be the only Briton with a vote in the next conclave. The Observer story was brought forward, with devastating results. The four complainants had the good sense – and, arguably, the courage – to inform the Papal Nuncio, Archbishop Mennini, of their claims. (Mennini, it should be noted, is not in the pocket of the British bishops to the extent that previous ambassadors have been.) So the Vatican already had a file on Britain's senior Catholic churchman, and Pope Benedict, on being informed of its contents, decided to bring forward O'Brien's resignation as Archbishop of St Andrews and Edinburgh. In other words, the alleged victims of these inappropriate acts were helped by something that the Church's critics have often refused to recognise: Joseph Ratzinger's determination to purify the Church of sex abuse, right up until the last week of his pontificate.
Cardinal O'Brien's decision not to attend the conclave has thrown the Church into disarray: if he judges himself unsuitable to vote, how can Cardinal Roger Mahony, disgraced by cover-ups in Los Angeles, possibly be fit to do so? But the implications in Britain are equally far-reaching. This country is in the middle of a debate about gay marriage in which, given the support of politicians and the media for the innovation, there is a shortage of public figures prepared to speak for the 50 per cent of voters unhappy with the measure. Until now, the Catholic Church has been given a respectful hearing. But today, with its senior clergyman accused of touching up young men after drink-fuelled "counselling"? We do not, it should be stressed, know that the behaviour actually occurred. What we do know is that, thanks to this grubby scandal, gay marriage seems even more of an inevitability – and the Catholic Church's freedom to oppose it is suddenly looking more fragile.

Prehistoric 'lost continent' found in the Indian Ocean 

WORLD, Posted on Feb 25, 2013 at 01:50pm IST
Berlin: Scientists claim to have discovered remains of a lost ancient continent between India and Madagascar, found buried under huge masses of lava. The continent fragment known as Mauritia detached about 60 million years ago while Madagascar and India drifted apart, and had been hidden under lava.
Such micro-continents in the oceans seem to occur more frequently than previously thought, according to a new study in the journal Nature Geoscience. The break-up of continents is often associated with mantle plumes: These giant bubbles of hot rock rise from the deep mantle and soften the tectonic plates from below, until the plates break apart at the hotspots.
This is how Eastern Gondwana broke apart about 170 million years ago. At first, one part was separated, which in turn fragmented into Madagascar, India, Australia and Antarctica, which then migrated to their present position. Plumes currently situated underneath the islands Marion and Reunion appear to have played a role in the emergence of the Indian Ocean.
If the zone of the rupture lies at the edge of a land mass (in this case Madagascar/India), fragments of this land mass may be separated off. The Seychelles are a well-known example of such a continental fragment. The research by geo-scientists from Norway, South Africa, Britain and Germany suggest, based on the study of lava sand grains from the beach of Mauritius, the existence of further fragments.
The sand grains contain semi-precious zircons aged between 660 and 1970 million years, which is explained by the fact that the zircons were carried by the lava as it pushed through subjacent continental crust of this age. This dating method was supplemented by a recalculation of plate tectonics, which explains exactly how and where the fragments ended up in the Indian Ocean.
Dr Bernhard Steinberger of the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences and Dr Pavel Doubrovine of Oslo University calculated the hotspot trail. "On the one hand, it shows the position of the plates relative to the two hotspots at the time of the rupture, which points towards a causal relation," said Steinberger. "On the other hand, we were able to show that the continent fragments continued to wander almost exactly over the Reunion plume, which explains how they were covered by volcanic rock," Steinberger said in a statement.
What was previously interpreted only as the trail of the Reunion hotspot, are continental fragments which were previously not recognised as such because they were covered by the volcanic rocks of the Reunion plume. Researchers said it therefore appears that such micro-continents in the ocean occur more frequently than previously thought.
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Monday, February 25, 2013


জলের  মত   সহজ  - নরম    আর  কিছু   নেই 
কঠিন কেও   গুড়িয়ে   দিতে    জলের  মত   আর  কিছু   নেই  ।।

জীবন - যজ্ঞের    দীর্ঘতম   যাত্রা ও 
পায়ের   প্রথম   পদক্ষেপে   শুরু   হয়   ।।
(Tao  : Transliteration  from English  by   Phanibhushan -[1990-s] )

Sunday, February 24, 2013

(A short  story  crafted    from  Indian scripture --[ compressed/ edited] )

 The  God (Vishnu )  asked   NARADA ( Officer  -in charge  of the  World )  to   bring   a   bucket  of  water  from  the Ganges  and  gave  him   just  half -an-hour time,  checking  his  Watch .

Narada  hurried ;  reached   Bengal (  not West Bengal of  to day )  fell  in  love [ of course  at ' First Sight'] , married  her   and   was  happily  living  with  his  darling wife  and  children .

Not  even    Stephen Hawking's  IMAGINARY  TIME  was  known  then  nor  Einstein  was  there  to  invent   his  Theory  of  Relativity-s !

Almost  near  the  end of  God    Vishnu's  half  an hour  ,  Vishnu  called  up  Narada  ( don't know  if  INTERNET  or G-Mail  was   already  introduced    there or  not )  and  asked  Narada  -- 'how  long  more  it  would   take  to  get  back  to  Heaven '!
 *****                                 *****************

Narada  was puzzled  down  to his  bones   and  was   stuck-  dumb !

My  lord  !  how  he  has   lived   more than  half of his  life  on  EARTH  with     Lord's  half-an -hour  Time in  Heaven !!
Neither  Einstein  nor  Stephen  Hawking  was  then  on  EARTH  to  console  him .

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Did Pope resign over dossier linking the church to 'gay network' inside the Vatican? Claims of blackmail and sex parties in secret report from three cardinals  

  • La Repubblica says report alleges clergy were 'united by sexual orientation'
  • Vatican spokesman refuses to confirm or deny allegations

Read more:
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Phanibhusan changed his Religious Views.
10 February
No !  it is  not  changing ;  it  is  evolving  in a  real  sense .
Religion   to  me  is  not  like  a  'Birth certificate ' nor like a  National  or  geographical  ID  status or  a  declaration  of  fixed  Religious  faith  on the  basis  of  family ,  social  or  ethnic  out-flow.
Religion  , to me  is   one's  own   own way  of  living  and  responding to  the  environment  he lives in  and  his  psychic  dealing of   each  issue  according  to  his  own   belief  and build up  in a progressive  way and with rational spirit.

Friday, February 22, 2013

( A  short  story  -- with  humor)
The boatman  bought  a  boat  with  guaranteed  capacity  of  10  passengers .
He, then  got  10  passengers  in the  boat( without  considering  himself  as  one   of the 'passengers ').
On  mid-stream , the  the  boat  sank  and the  boat-man  got  drowned.
- - - - - - -- - - - - - -
He reached  Heaven and  made  an F.I R  against  and  reached  God.
God   read  examined  the  whole  Case  and  asked :
 -- What  was  the   Passenger- Capacity  ?
:  Ten  my  Lord  !
= But  there  were  11   in the  boat , I find  !
: No !  my  Lord  I  am the  'Boat-man' ,  owner  of the  boat .

God  gave  a subdued  smile  and   told :
 = That  is  the  trouble  you  invited  for  yourself  by  creating  contradictions  between  'Capacity'  and  real
    content !--- You  excluded   yourself  and  invited  trouble .

The  boat- man  started  scratching  his  head  !
- - - - - - - --- - - -- - ---
Morale : That  is  how  Cosmologist  always  exclude the  role  Consciousness  or  participating  Principle  in the 'GAME'  and  turned   'God-damn  Particle'  to  'God-Particle' or    to  Boson  or  Higgs  and the  game  goes  on and  on ! !
By  Parashar ( Phanibasu ) ,a Layman in  Cosmology .


Rana Bose
7:57 AM (1 hour ago)
to me
"Particle physics is the purest manifestation of human curiosity about the world we live in...It arises directly from our restless desire to understand the world,,,It is not the particles that motivate is the desire to understand something that  is a mystery ..."

from the book - 

"The Particle at the End of the Universe: How the Hunt for the Higgs Boson Leads Us to the Edge of a New World"



Rana Bose
"Particle physics is the purest manifestation of human curiosity about the wo...
7:57 AM (1 hour ago)
Phanibhusan Basu 
9:32 AM (6 minutes ago)
to Rana
"it is not the particles that motivate is the desire to understand something that  is a mystery ..."
I think  the  line  above  is the  essence  even  beyond  the  PARTICLE.
A rose  does not terminate its  boundary  in petals but  unto  its  furthest  fragrance . .... that way , Hiessenberg's UN-certainty principle   &  theory  of  'Participating  Consciousness ' are  more important  players .
Cosmologists  should  research  more  on the  Mystery of  Consciousness  than  Particles . Particles  are  only  mutable  end  of matter , Consciousness the  immutable  beginning of  the  First Cause  . 
Universe  is  only a  material shape , Cosmos the  distant whole  with Dark  matter  &  energy  and  consciousness  the  initiating  point  of  all mutable & immutable .
At present the  cosmologists  are, I  think,   swimming against 'current'. 
[ I have   kept  a  print  of  your  earlier  copy  of  'Particle  Science' and not yet  finished   reading it  thoroughly . Plan to  write  on it and  shall send it  to you ]