Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Even  a  tiny  sparrow
with what energy , -does  build it's  nest
with  its   beaks and  bits  of straw
blazoning  its  name  on  every layer
of its  domicile
 The  kites, the  Pheasants , the  Doves
goring  the  day  from  morn  to  eve
collect  the  fiber or  twigs
for  self - same purpose.
Every  being  poises  on its  'wings' !
The  silk-worm  -
 feeling  fiverish  with its slaver
is eager  to  die  of  suffocation
in it's  bid  to  figure  in history !
Every  idea  getting a  spot
accumulates  bricks  and  mortars
  in their  heart  and  head
for  an  edifice  of  glory !
And ---
 I  too ,-toil and  moil   for  a 'Name-plate '
lured  by  the  hope of  grandeur !
Every one , -seek a  niche
in the  Castle  of Fame !
(  Composed  late 1970-s; translated  in English  by  Umanath Bhattacharya  and published  in Murdered Moon  in 1982)

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