Friday, February 22, 2013

( A  short  story  -- with  humor)
The boatman  bought  a  boat  with  guaranteed  capacity  of  10  passengers .
He, then  got  10  passengers  in the  boat( without  considering  himself  as  one   of the 'passengers ').
On  mid-stream , the  the  boat  sank  and the  boat-man  got  drowned.
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He reached  Heaven and  made  an F.I R  against  and  reached  God.
God   read  examined  the  whole  Case  and  asked :
 -- What  was  the   Passenger- Capacity  ?
:  Ten  my  Lord  !
= But  there  were  11   in the  boat , I find  !
: No !  my  Lord  I  am the  'Boat-man' ,  owner  of the  boat .

God  gave  a subdued  smile  and   told :
 = That  is  the  trouble  you  invited  for  yourself  by  creating  contradictions  between  'Capacity'  and  real
    content !--- You  excluded   yourself  and  invited  trouble .

The  boat- man  started  scratching  his  head  !
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Morale : That  is  how  Cosmologist  always  exclude the  role  Consciousness  or  participating  Principle  in the 'GAME'  and  turned   'God-damn  Particle'  to  'God-Particle' or    to  Boson  or  Higgs  and the  game  goes  on and  on ! !
By  Parashar ( Phanibasu ) ,a Layman in  Cosmology .

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