Saturday, February 23, 2013

Did Pope resign over dossier linking the church to 'gay network' inside the Vatican? Claims of blackmail and sex parties in secret report from three cardinals  

  • La Repubblica says report alleges clergy were 'united by sexual orientation'
  • Vatican spokesman refuses to confirm or deny allegations

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Phanibhusan changed his Religious Views.
10 February
No !  it is  not  changing ;  it  is  evolving  in a  real  sense .
Religion   to  me  is  not  like  a  'Birth certificate ' nor like a  National  or  geographical  ID  status or  a  declaration  of  fixed  Religious  faith  on the  basis  of  family ,  social  or  ethnic  out-flow.
Religion  , to me  is   one's  own   own way  of  living  and  responding to  the  environment  he lives in  and  his  psychic  dealing of   each  issue  according  to  his  own   belief  and build up  in a progressive  way and with rational spirit.

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