Thursday, February 14, 2013


Like  well conceived  plot  of a Play
harmoniously  knit
if  I  could get  only a few  moments
strung  into a wreath !
scarcely  did I  said this  --when  you step in
dressed  in gorgeous  red  and  gold
bringing  with  you  the  aroma  of the  summer  eve
now  cooling  down !

This  World   is not  that  water-melon juicy
this  we  have  gathered  from our  experience  past
None -the -less   some  where  deep in  you
there  is  a  softness  balmy  that  gives  solace .
And  if i chance  to  laugh  it  away
and call it  the  the  effect  of  skillful  setting  of  nerves
the  miracle of  Science --
you  cut short  my  loquacity.

As  it  grows  darker  , the  stars shine  bright
and the  vast  void  reveals  Cosmic  wonder of  the  Universe
teeming  with  Spheres!
This  one  perception  alone is a  fountain-head
of  many a  melodious  tune
when,  dressed in gorgeous  red  and  gold
you step in ;  bringing  with  you  the  redolence  sweet
of evening serene
and  sit beside me  with an  air  of  intimacy
eager  to  communicate !

Translated from  Bengali  poem of Phani Basu  by  Umanath  Bhattacharya  and  published  in  'The  album of  International Poets' ,Madras  and  also  in  'Murdered  Moon '  by Phani Basu (1982), Delhi .

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