Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Ref :   E-mal   from  Poetry .com  / World  poetry  Movement  January  17, 18   2013 ; also  january 25

Our special notices inform you of important
poetry awards and events available to you.

Your Best Poets and Poems of 2012 Award is Official!

You're Eligible to Win $10,000 in Cash and Prizes!
You'll also get two FREE Poet Award Pins!

Click here to submit your poem now!

Dear Phani,

Congratulations! Over the past 12 months we have been reviewing the poetic accomplishments of people whose poetry has recently been discovered in major poetry archives, poetry websites and in print editions released by various publishers in America and around the world.

It's my pleasure to inform you that you and your poetry have been selected to be published in the historic edition...

Best Poets and Poems of 2012
Library of Congress ISBN - 978-1-619-61936-075-4

Congratulations on your selection!

The new poem you submit to us will be showcased on an entire page devoted exclusively to you and your poetic artistry. You and your poetry will be featured along with a distinguished group of other contemporary poets that were nominated to participate in this highly sought after annual edition.

Click here to submit your poem now!

And that's not all...

You're Eligible to Win $10,000 in Cash and Prizes

To honor you and the rest of this elite group of talented individuals, we have established a contest with over $10,000.00 in cash and prizes that will be awarded to you and the other poets featured in this Historic Edition!

You're automatically eligible for these prizes, but you must submit your poem right now. Prizes will be announced April 2, 2013, with an anticipated publication date of May, 2013.

Click here to submit your poem now!

Best Poets and Poems of 2012 will be among the finest quality poetry books ever produced. Every aspect of design will convey the finest quality craftsmanship and attention to detail. It will make a handsome addition to any library, a treasured family keepsake or a highly valued personal gift. And best of all...

Best Poets and Poems of 2012 will
feature an entire page devoted to your poetry!

Before going any further, let me make one thing clear. You are under no obligation whatsoever to submit any entry fee or subsidy payment, or to make any purchase of any kind.

Click here to submit your poem now!

Of course, many people do wish to own a copy of the book in which their artistry appears. If you would like to order a copy, please see the attached order form for special discount information.

FREE! Get Your Two Beautiful Poet Award Pins!!
A $79.90 Value - Yours Free!

To commemorate your participation in this historic event, you'll also be awarded two beautiful lapel pins that have been custom designed in honor of you and your poetry. These impressive jewelry pieces feature elegant designs and meticulous craftsmanship, to formally recognize your poetic contributions.

Click here to submit your poem now!

You may order these two beautiful pins for $39.95 each, or GET THEM FOR FREE when you place an order for the book that features your poetry. You get one pin for FREE ($39.95 value!) with any order, or get BOTH PINS FREE (a $79.90 value) with any order of $60.00!

So What Happens Now?

As soon as we receive your poem, it will be typeset for publication and become eligible for the$10,000 in cash and prizes that will be awarded to you and the other poets chosen to participate in this historic project.

Click here to submit your poem now!

And let me assure you, your poem remains your property Best Poets and Poems of 2012 is copyrighted as a compilation. This means that you retain all rights to your own work of art.

Please Enter Your Poem Right Away!

In order to make our scheduled publication date, you must submit your poem right now. Your poem must be original, it must be 26 lines or less, on any subject, and in any style, and it must be previously unpublished.

Click here to submit your poem now!

And, if you wish to order a copy of Best Poets and Poems of 2012 at our special pre- publication price, please complete the attached order form (you are under no obligation to order anything).

You also have the opportunity to include some personal information about yourself and your poetry. In this way, the general public, your fellow poets, and members of the media can discover more about you, and the meaning poetry has in your life.

Although we must charge a nominal typesetting fee for this service, you're under no obligation to include this information. Your poem can be published without it if you wish. Please see the attached Artist's Biographical Information and Profile for further information.

Again, congratulations!

Best Poets and Poems of 2012 promises to be a highly sought after resource of contemporary poets. We feel fortunate to have discovered your talent and believe you and your artistry will add to the importance and appeal of this edition. Your participation in this special annual edition is greatly appreciated.

Click here to submit your poem now!


Suzanne Hilary
Chief Editor 

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