Thursday, February 14, 2013

"God  particle '  found ,  Cern  takes  a  break  for  next  Quantum leap " ---  The  T.O .I , kolkata , Friday, Feb. 15,2013;  P-17.
Comment :
 God  weeping  , perhaps  again !
Even Physicists  , Cosmologists  are  playing   with 'words ' or  becoming  victims  of  English  vocabulary  !

First  they  named  it  '  God-damn  Particle' and  raised  huge  NOISE  all around .
Then , to cool it down , they  renamed it  'God particle ' and  consoled  the  world  that  cooled  down overtime !

But  God , is  perhaps,  weeping  still or  smiling , maybe !
Yet , --what is ' God particle' ?

As a solid  lay-man ,  I think , --so long  any  thing  is  a 'particle'  it  belongs  to  the  mutable  field  of  matter i.e  Physics  and  not  in the  domain of  IMMUTABLE  FIELD of  Divine's  Energy  ( Dark Energy ).
So  noble  scientists , please, do not   play with  tranquilizing  words  as,  that is  not  Science nor  Cosmology !
And  let  us  know , -if you  are  nearing  God  or  yet  too far  or , even  receding further  !
Until ,  we  are   free  and  away  from the  domain of  ' particle', I think , we  are  no where  near  the  official  address  of  God !

Any thing  that  smells  sweet, may  not  be  a rose ( cf : Shakespeare).

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