Thursday, February 7, 2013

No !  I  Did  Not  Keep  My  Word .

No!   I  did not  keep  my  word
whenever   or  where ever  I  gave.

In my  boyhood days  I  gave  indulgence
to a green  flinch  that  used  to  perch
on the  scafold  of  our  golden-vines -and
happily  whistling  to him  and  promising
my eternal love .
I , even , said  to the  morning  Sun  ,-smilingly
Some  day   I  too  shall  emit  light  profusely
you will see !
My  friends  and  neighbors , too, were  promised
-on  my  return  from  the  battle  field
I  would  pawn my prize  and  gold  medals
 for a  grand  banquet and  celebrate  the  time .
No !  I  did not  keep  my  word
I  could not !

Today  , a warrior  , defeated , am I
bending  my  knees  in  supplication
ashamed  , embarrassed.
the  '*Harshchandra'  in  me
is  now  begging  for  favorable  treaty
in folded  hands .
In the  dark  recess  of my  heart
My  promises   in  shakles  are  falling  to  pieces !

No ! , - I  could not  keep  my  word
where ever  I  gave  .
( This  poem  was  composed  in  early  1980-s , in response  to  Sunil  Gangopadhyay's  poem  'Keu Katha Rakheni ( Nobody  kept  his  word) ; translated  by  Umanath  Bhattacharya  and  published  in  Book - Murdered  moon  in 1982 , Delhi ).
*Harshchandra  is a Indian  mythological legendary   figure   known  for  his  keeping  promises  risking  any  Scrifice to keep his  word  .

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