Sunday, February 3, 2013

"Not  Rushdie  noise , Amartya  Sen  wants   focus  on  real  issues "
-- The  Times of India , Kolkata, Monday , Feb. 4  , 2013  - Front page .
Not  " Rushdie noise " only ;   but , really  , it  is . I think , Rushdie- Noise - Pollution !"

But  what  to  do  ?  Media   also  has to  CATCH   as much as  it  can  in  'High  fishing - Game '.
This  is a  ' MAMMON  CIVILIZATION '  &  every  one  and  Institution  is  trying  his or it's   best   to be  on the  FRONT -Page -News !

LONDON — A team of archaeologists confirmed Monday that ancient remains found under a parking lot belong to long-lost King Richard III, successfully ending a search that sparked a modern-day debate about the legacy of the reputed tyrant.
Details of the findings were released hours after DNA tests came in late Sunday. The 500-year-old remains were discovered five months ago, using ancient maps and records to uncover the ruins of the old friary where Richard III was laid to rest.

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