Saturday, February 9, 2013

Phanibhusan Basu <>
7:37 PM (2 hours ago)

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I think . I shall always  be  reluctant  to   go  to  any  POLLING BOOTH , any tme  ,to  cast    my  vote  until and  unless  the  Process  of    'PEOPLE--ELECTED -  PM ' is  accepted  and  legalized  by  the   Indian  Parliament ( Constitutional  Amendment )  and  welcomed  by  INDIAN  DEMOCRACY .
I  have  least  FAITH, I think , in  Party - nominated  - LEADER  for  PM 's JOB .

Phanibhusan Basu 
9:02 PM (1 hour ago)
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Already  posted  about  "PEOPLE-ELECTED -PM"  In youtr  ' What Matter  Most "  section .
As  an  Addendum  or  Post Scrip , I   submit  further :
 I.  Every  Recognized POLITICAL  Party  should  have  the  RIGHT  to  Nominate  their  Candidate  for  PM's  post .
II.There  should  be  DEBATE  on National  Level . like  in USA , to  prove  their  qualities  and  claim  to the  Leadership .
III. There  should be  selected   member / panel  of  MODERATORS/ CONTROLLER   for this  Debate  like in  USA  Presidential  Debates. They  should  be  outside  the  scope  of  any  Political  Influence or  'Bias'.
IV. Finally  the  3 0r  4  'ACHIEVERS '  should  face  the  the  FINAL  VOTING  for ' POEOPLE-ELECTED VOTING - DAY ' and  winner  should  be  declared  Elected  , provided ,-  he or  she  gets  51  %  of  cast  Votes . If  not , he  should  get  majority  votes  of  MPS  of  both  houses  to  be declared  worthy  to  CAPTAIN  the  "SHIP" i.e  NATION  for  4 or 5 year-  term .

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