Saturday, January 3, 2015

ABOUT  INDIAS  CONTRIBUTION  IN    ART , SCIENCE( Arithmetic ,Cosmology  etc ).

 Better   read  : INDIA'S   GIFT  TO  THE  WORLD  : Vol  2 ; 17 Th.  Reprint  . December  1992  //3M3C.
Also   Track  From  Internet , -   EINSTEIN'S   opinion  about  India's  all  valuable  Arithmetic and  inducting  in  Zero ( 0)  and  Decimal.
His  opinion ;
 ' with   Roman  Arithmetic   and letters    and   without   Indias  gift  of  zero, decimals  Present   Science  and  cosmology  would  still  have  remained  blind   or  crippled   leaving   the  whole  Civilization still  in  the  dark Age !'

* I  had  original  quotation( Einstein )   in   print   but   could  not  find it  in  the  1500+ pages  of  my  manuscripts   and  notes .( when traced   shall  print  it  on  the  Blog .
IN  RESPONSE   to   Today's   Comment  in    Google - News (  India's  contribution   regarding  Algebra ).
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Yet   boasting  over  it   is  like    priding  over  ancestors'   Wealth  against   one  own   Poverty  &  Failures .

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