Monday, January 19, 2015


The  subtle delicate   muse  of  inner  mind
you  know   it well  but    as  if ,  -- don't  admit

This   non-physical  Love   of   super  sensual   thirst
without   fleshy  appetite    of    worldly   ways
but  some  conscious  binding  of  our  heart  and  soul.

Friend  ,  have  you  ever heard  that   deeper dimensional  voice
without  limitation   of    ever  boundless   Worlds
 Strung on    vibrating  musical  chord    UN- heard   theme
as  if ,  another  Octave   of  different   height  !

Not    Physical  , not  Sensual  not  even  planned  by  mind
but  only  the  play  of     the  whole   as  eternity
and  sings     beyond  words  or sounds
with    invisible  luminous   feeling  of    Joy
that   sings    even  now    or   muse   within  me
or ,  maybe  in  you !

This   wealth  or   quantum treasure    of   eternal  bonding love
will  ever live    within  me   for  the  rest  of life
maybe ,  --also  in  you  !
Bengali  Poem  of   2002 - '06 :  transliteration  now .

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