Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The  scientific Boat

The  boat -man  bought a  boat ,  with  capacity of  five
the boat man   took in five;  including his  loving wife
and  no sooner  he  left the bank,   in deep water the  boat  did sink
and  all of them  got  drowned  including  his  wife , I think !

The  boat-man  now in Heaven, gave  an  F.I.R  to  Lord
against the  seller of the  boat;  who  issued the  Guarantee -card

God  asked him smiling now,  -'what was the capacity my dear'
the  boatman smartly  told --'It  was  assured five, I swear
The  Lord  smiled  once more  --' but with you  it comes to six
the boat man  scratched his bald ; --' must be a  scientific  trick' !

cosmologist themselves must ; be rolling in another sense
they  smartly reached  the 'String'  but  forgot (to) add  Consciousness !

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