Friday, January 2, 2015

(Free of  Philosophy)
  I .  While  looking  around  in  every-day- Life   ( esp, in India),  look  at  the  laborer  , the
        beggar, the  Rickshaw - puller  Nd  not  only  be  kind but  know or  try  to  believe in  of
        your(thousand-s )  previous ' lives' when   you  were  also  like  one  of  them ,
II .  Even  if  your  are  giving  a  rupee  or  more  you  are  not  in  any  way  , improving  or
      removing  his  poverty   but  only  helping  yourself  by    expanding  your  soul  -  Conscious -
III. Know  every  moment  that  you   and  every  living  or    non-living   around  you  and  beyond
      is  but  'ONE '  indivisible   and   inseparable   unit  of  Existence  as a  whole  be  it  a  fly  , the
      filth , the  Ocean , the  stars  or  the  Sky ,(  try  to  think it  even  if  you  have not  mastered   or
      absorbed this  knowledge )
IV .  Then  only    you   will  know  what   Einstein    meant   by  his  COSMIC  RELIGION   or  the
       'SINGULARITY  of   COSMOLOGY  itself .
From  personal  Note -book  of   Hiranmoy  Gautom ( Pibi ).

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