Thursday, January 1, 2015


I.    Birth   and  death  are the  obverse   and  Reverse  of th e  same  'COIN'  called  Life,  like  in a
      theater Hall   where  'ENTER'    and  ' EXIT '  are  on  the  same  door  from  outside  and    inside .
II.   Birth and  Death    are  only  the  Recycling  or  Evolutionary   way   of   Changing
         Soul - Consciousness .
III .  He   who  is  afraid   of   Death  has   not  learnt  the SCIENCE  of   LIFE  &  LIVING .
       To   me    DEATH   is  degeneration of  Soul  and   Physical  suffering  and   not  Death  itself .
IV .  One  may  not  be  born  but  if    Born ,  Death  is  surest  Finality  of  Evolutionary  
       Process .
V.  Modern  COSMOLOGY  is  not  only  Scientific   but   also  Spiritual - Science   on  certain
    terms     for ,   Life , World , Universe  , Cosmos  and   Unified   Theory for   SINGULARITY  or
Out  of   my   Bubbling  thoughts : by  Hiranmoy  Gautom  (Pibi);   April , 2009 .

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