Sunday, January 11, 2015

"There  are  more  things  in Heaven and  Earth   than   are  dreamt    of  in   ...  ( any )  philosophy ----  Shakespeare.
A very Interesting  revelation   about  Swami  Vivekananda :
A  letter   to  Sister  Christine :  14 Th. October, Paris  (  ref : Complete  works  of  swami  Vivekananda ; Vol 8, Page  537; 7 Th. Edition , July  1985 //( 10M3C).

" I  shall  travel  with  madame  calve (  World -famous  singer  and  his  disciple ) and go  to  Constantinople ,...  Greece  and  Egypt , On way  back  we  shall  visit  Venice .
**(  the  'way back '  did not not happen ).
Now  i  a  free  , the  begging  monk again , as  before .
.....  I  have  attained  my aim. I  have  found  the  pearl  for  which  I dived  into  the  Ocean  of  life "
 - - - -- - - -// -  - - - - -  -   Your  devoted  friend  // Vivekananda
**(  the  'way  back '  did not not happen ).
It  did not happen as   suddenly  in  Meditation    Vivekananda   received  a  CALL and directive  from  his  MASTER  ( RAMAKRISHNA )  to return   to India  sharp  and  finish  the  Supervision  of  building  of ' BELUR  MATH ' .
Madame  Calve  did  not   not believe  this . Message ' and demanded the  whole  Truth as  her  right  as  his   disciple .
Vivekananda  told     that  his  Death  was  near  and on repeated  demand   he  told  Madam  Calve  (  repeated insistence ) that  he  would   die  in 1902  and  on  4Th , of  July  . ( almost  two  years  after !)
 - - -- -- - - -
As   she was ;--  bold  and  Straight  , she  did  not   believe   that  even  a  spiritual   Giant like   him  could  tell  the  time  ( even the  year and  date )  but - - -  she  allowed  him to  leave  .
But  she   recorded this  and her  disbelief  too , in  her  Diary .
Time  and  years , even decades  rolled  by . Madam  calve  died   - - - -  her  daughter  even  died  as  aged Lady  .
And  in   late  20 Th.  Century  ( ? 1980/-90-s )  her  property  being  sold  Calve's  grand daughter  found  this   Diary   and  discovered    this   amazing  ' Foretell'-facts '  and  gave   to   RAMAKRISHNA   MISSION , NEW YORK  ( ?  Swami  Ashokananda was  the  President , perhaps ).
    Later  Mary  Lui Barke  later  brought  out  a   6 - volume   Research-  Work -Books  ( titled  ? 'VIVEKANANDA  IN  THE  WEST' ) and  I  learnt    about  this   amazing  spiritual  S.S.P   of    Swami  Vivekananda   from  there .  As  those  books  are  not  with  me  now  I am  recording  it  only  from  my  memory . Any  one   can   verify  it  from  any  R.K.Mission  Library -  books from  any  big  cities  e.g  New York ,USA// Delhi  , Kolkata  of  India  or any  other  Place .

My  last  opinion  :
Even  Future events   can  be  known  through Supra - Sensory  Power or  S.S P
(  This  Piece  I wrote  .  remembering  the  Birth day   Swami  Vivekananda )

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