Thursday, January 15, 2015

Beauty  of any  kind   if  all  exposed  becomes  Nudity  or  even vulgar .
To  me    Art  and   Beauty  is  be  best  expressed by  Wordsworth  in his  poem:

"  A  violet  my  a  mossy  stone
   half  hidden  from  the  eye "

Any  book-knowledge   is  only  borrowed  knowledge .
Experience  is   the  ' only  source '
 of  Earned    or  Creative  knowledge .
 - - - - - - -  - - - - - -- -- -  -
Our body and  Mind is  now  dominated   by UN-controlled  basic needs of  huger , greed and desire.
Our  spare -time is   now  a  days mortgaged  to  Media  tricks   of  ews , Chaos  and  UN-wanted  Calamities
 Our last  reserve  now -a - days sold  to  EMF  trickes  of   Electronic  Magic device .
And  what now   remains   with us  for  oue   self  and Soul ??  ---  Noyhing  !!!
NATURE is   neither    beautiful  nor   ugly  as  these  to  words  are  human -made  logo-s  and  are  neither  qualified  nor  fitting  for  defining  NATURE,
  'Beauty  lies  in the    eye  of  the  beholder '  --this   poetic rem is  more  apt  or  fitting.
Or  Oscar  wild's    oinion :
' Every thing  in Nature is   not  Beautiful ;  only   our  'creative ' mind  and  intelligence  sometimes  trim  beauty  out  of  it '.

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