Tuesday, January 20, 2015

THE   FACE   VS    SELF ( After  Chhandogya  Upanishat of  Sama  Veda  [About  3000 yrs. B.C)

Indra  representing  intelligence   and  Virochan representing base human  life  went  to   Praojapoti , the  lord of  Creation  and wanted  learn  abour the  Self.
 Projapoti  asked  them  to  look  in  the  calm  water surface and   see their  self  first .
They did  it  and repoted  back  that  they  saw  their '  self' in  water - mirror.
( Those  prehistoric  days of Early  civilization , perhaps , even  mirror  was  not invented)

Projapoti  asked them  to  decorate  themselves  as  they pleased  and  again look  through the  water-mirror.
 They both  did  it  again after  putting  up their  best  clothes and ornaments  and  visualised  themselves  through  water mirror. and reported  back to  the lord.

-' How  did  you find  and  feel ? '  Projapoti  asked.
Virochan  told  that  he was  overjoyed  finding his  decorated  Self  in the  mirror.
Projapoti  told  virochan  to  go home   do  the  way  he  was  pleased .
Virochan  went home  happily  and  told  his  people  the way  to  keep the  'self' happy.

But  Indra  was  not  happy with  this  philosophy pf Projapoti  and 

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