Tuesday, January 20, 2015

That  'DRESS'  of  POPE ! !
Is  not  that , - symbol of RITUALISM in this 21st CENTURY.
Of  course, we  become  DUMB or MUTE without  some  help of  SYMBOL or Ritualism.
Even,  " E= M. C-square"  is  a  poetic Symbolism, designed  by  Einstein. 
Then  why ! one  Civilization ( Eastern or Western ) tease/ taunt  another !
Faith and  Belief  should  have  its  own freedom , so long it  does  not  hurt or affect  another
When  Einstein  imagined  to  ride a  speeding  Light-Ray , everyone, of us,  would have  laughed  aloud !
How  many does  now ?
All Religions  were  true  at the  'START '.
All  gathered  'dust & moss , over Time, by Law of  ENTROPY.
Cleaning / Reformation  and Introspection and  Re-adjustment  is  essential  Ingredients  of  Perfection and Evolution .
( under  first Amendment )

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