Sunday, June 30, 2013

Which  one  of  them ---you  mean

So many  times , in this  Single  life
I  died  so many  times  and ways
and  was   made   re-born ,  re-cycling  way
re-forming  my  faith  and  soul
 so  many  times
even  in a  single  day .

  I  died
 or  was  murdered  by  a  mammon  World
 my soul  crucified   so many  times
 or  this    material    're-cycling'  of  synthetic -life
and  re-incarnated   ever  and  every way
with  my  never-dying  Soul; --  refined.

So !
may   I  ask  my  readers  and  friends
which  one  is  my  Birth-day  real
or my  death  or  if  can  tell
my  further   re-incarnation  time
as  designed .
Composed  : July/01/2013  10 - 50  am .

Birth -day , I  think , is a  Western  concept
and  relates  to  our   'body '  not    to Soul
In  Oriental   Faith  ,   body  is  recognized  not
our  real  identity  is   our  immortal   SOUL.

My   body  was  freed  from  my  mothers  womb
 for  a  Cosmic  play  on  29th  of  march , 1929.
My  date   of  Birth  was  made  , July  1st , 1931
not  decided  by  me  but  some  social  norm, perhaps .

Which  one   my  birth - day;   don't   know .- nor  care
for  my   ID  is not my  body  but   Soul
I declare it   now  as  confusion   is  not  fare
and  Truth  is  my  ideal  and  ever my  Goal .

That  birth-day   was really,  my  new posting
My  death  will  be  again   a  'Fare-well ' date
Take  it  any  way  , but   faith  be   the  guide
Joy  and   Bliss  ; Divine's  sanctioned  'Play '.
Composed : July , 1st,2013  9 - 30 am .

Explain your remark on spending Rs 8 cr in 2009 LS polls: EC to Munde

IBNLive - ‎13 hours ago‎
Mumbai: The Election Commission (EC) has on Saturday issued a notice against senior BJP leader Gopinath Munde after he stoked a controversy by his candid admission about spending Rs 8 crore on his 2009 Lok Sabha election campaign.
This  is  how , I think , the virus   of  Corruptions  spread
If  he  spends   8  crore  to  win  how much  he  must get
to make  his  political -profession  to  balance  the  loss
and  to   make it profitable   he  must  have  told  his  Boss
the  way  the  gulping  was  done . These  two  parties now
planning  to  rule  the  Land ;  who  can  save  us --how !

Saturday, June 29, 2013

In  this  Solar  sphere 
with  trillionth  bit  or less 
of  the  sun -shine 
received  or lost 
our  days and  nights  are  born 
What  more  puzzling  mystic  design 
you  keep  in , zillions  of  stellar  space 
or  billions  of   Galactic  STAGE!

This   our Earth , not even a speck of  dust 
yet   symbolize  your  eternal  pulsating   Joy 
in   octave-Music   of   symphomy  of  Life.
Even  then  here
 are  temples , Churches  and   Mosques 
 that sing  in  your praise  with   faith  and for   union 
  with  your mystic love.

Me   an  Atheist   they  declare , though 
I have  ever   searched  and  sought  you  out 
 in  every corner  or  space  .
exploring  all  contrast   betwixt  you
and  also  my  own  DIVINE 
the  identity  or   contrast   and unity  of  every  faith  and  shape
and  the  ultimate  synthesis  of  all 
against  THOU ,  supreme  DIVINE . 

Then  at  once   I  can  find  
the  whole  Cosmos  through out your  Galactic  space 
trillions --trillions   of  Temple -lights   glow 
 in  stellar luminous  joy  on eve-time SKY
 revealing your face 
And  then   I  expand    in  joy 
 discovering  your  eternal  effulgent  immutable  face .

When    whole   COSMOS  is    at  your  feet  in  living   stance 
should  i  be  seeking   YOU  
at   'Temple  step '  of  any  form !

Friday, June 28, 2013

Voyager surfs Solar System's edge

BBC News - ‎Jun 27, 2013‎
Ed Stone cannot say when the Voyager-1 spacecraft will leave the Solar System, but he believes the moment is close. The latest data from this extraordinary probe, reported in this week's Science journal, suggests it is surfing right on the very edge of our ...

Thursday, June 27, 2013

(Extract  from  the  GEETA)
[Acceptable  even  by   any  Atheist ]\
I  .Life  begins  in  Earth-ignorance ,  grows  in  CONFUSION. Material  skill  may  not  help in  Spiritual
    Voyage .
2 .DISCRIMINATION   is  the ' Light'. Death  not  END  but  of  of many -many  ' EXIT_Door' only.
   ATTACHMENT  is suffering .
3  WORK   is  inherent  in  our  NATURE but  not  the  GOAL.
4.  EXPERIENCE  alone  is  real  Knowledge ; BOOK-Knowledge   is  borrowed knowledge only .
5 .  RENUNCIATION   is not  running  away  from   OBLIGATIONS  to  Life .
6   MEDITATION  is  throwing  away  all  Exogenous  thoughts .
7 , WORLDLY  &  COSMIC  Knowledge , both  together   the PATH  or  TAO .
8.  Eight  ELEMENTS  ( not  Greek -5) in combination   make  COSMOS  .
9 .Rajo -Joga   like  ' Experimental  Science' is the only way  to  meet  the  DIVINE.
10.  Talents , Genius , all  S,S P ( Supra Sensual power) are   Divine  -gift  through Genetic  or
     SPIRITUAL (Prarabdha) -  Inheritance   from  Divine ..
11. God-seeing  is  never  Visual -experience but  Spiritual  attainment  .
12. BHAKTI  or  Devotional Love  comes after  God-realization only.( You can not   love  or  respect
      anyone  or thing - you  never  saw  or  knew .)
13. The  FIELD - KNOWER- KNOWLEDGE   is   indivisible or unified  Trinity -  gift  from  Divine .
!4.  VIBRATION  from  Divine-Energy ( MAHAT)  generates  MIND, INTELLIGENCE  and  EGO in
      the name of SATTWA--RAJO  and TAMA. Their  RELATIVE  proportion  within  us  make  the type
     of  'MAN'  --we are .
15.  The  MANIFESTED  UNIVERSE  is  like  a Huge  tree  placed  Upside-down  and the  ROOT ,THE
       ABSOLUTE  or  Fist  Cause is  ever Invisible  Quantum  SOURCE from which  every thing  and
       Nothing (Dark Energy  & immutable )  are  ever  born . .
!6. CONSCIOUS  Humanity  has  THREE  potentials ;  Divine  , Human  &  DEMONIC.
     Anger, Greed  and  Lust  are  3   doors  for  self - Destruction ( Hell).
17  Shraddhaa ( no synonym in English ) is  an  in- born or  Genetic  disposition ( ? Faith). and also  are
      three   types ( good-bad-ugly). Types  of  Food  can  influence   our inner  mood  and  impulses.
18.  Liberation  from  the  World  of  ATTACHMENTS  by  transcending  all  bound-condition of
       LIVING, should  be the  GOAL  of  LIFE .
       Dhaarma  is  the  WAY  of  living  while  RELIGION  is  the  SOCIO-ETHNIC .ID  or 'Dressing -
     Gown '.
(CONCLUDED) :  Commentary , if  necessary   will  follow .

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Historic Win for Gay Marriage

Wall Street Journal
7 minutes ago
Written by
Jess Bravin
At the U.S. Supreme Court, a crowd almost entirely comprising same-sex marriage supporters got the news they wanted: DOMA ruled unconstitutional by a vote of 5-4 and and the way cleared for gay marriage in California.

friend(1258) Early christianity >

7:44 PM (10 hours ago)
to gottesfreundsc.holy-land-welc.islamic-histor.jewish-historyChristiangermany-welcomeamericans-welc.sinai-englishengland-welcomepappkartonsyria-welcomejordan-welcomelebanon-welcomemiddle-east-pe.
this is in English, find another - one in DEUTSCH on wikipedia

Monophysitism (/məˈnɒfɨstɨzəm/ or /məˈnɒfɨsɪtɨzəm/Greek: monos meaning "only, single" and physis meaning "nature"), is the Christologicalposition that, after the union of the divine and the human in the historical Incarnation, Jesus Christ, as the incarnation of the eternal Son or Word (Logos) of God, had only a single "nature" which was either divine or a synthesis of divine and human. Monophysitism is contrasted to dyophysitism(or dia-, dio-, or duophysitism) which maintains that Christ maintained two natures, one divine and one human, after the Incarnation.
Historically, Monophysitism (usually capitalized in this sense) refers primarily to the position of those (especially in Egypt and to a lesser extent Syria) who rejected the Council of Chalcedon in 451 (the Fourth Ecumenical Council). The moderate members of this group, however, maintained a "Miaphysite" theology that became that of the Oriental Orthodox churches. Many Oriental Orthodox reject the label "Monophysite" even as a generic term, but it is extensively used in the historical literature.
After the Council of Chalcedon, the Monophysite controversy (together with institutional, political, and growing nationalistic factors) led to a lasting schism between the Oriental Orthodox churches, on the one hand, and the Western and the Eastern Orthodox churches on the other. The Christological conflict among monophysitism, duophysitism, and their subtle combinations and derivatives lasted from the third through the eighth centuries and left its mark on all but the first two Ecumenical Councils. The vast majority of Christians nowadays belong to the so-called "Chalcedonian" churches. i.e. the Roman CatholicEastern Orthodox, and traditional Protestant churches (those that accept at least the first fourEcumenical Councils); these churches have always considered monophysitism to be heretical.
In the light of modern historical research and ecumenical discussions, the miaphysite and Chalcedonian positions appear to differ mainly in their usage of the key term "nature" (Greek: φύσις, phýsis, as used in the original texts of the relevant Ecumenical Councils) rather than in the underlying Christology, but other smaller differences of interpretation or emphasis may also exist. Intercommunion between the Oriental Orthodox and various Chalcedonian churches has not yet been reestablished.
Monophysitism is occasionally referred to as "monophysiticism."




A brief definition of Monophysitism can be given as: "Jesus Christ, who is identical with the Son, is one person and one hypostasis in one nature: divine."[1]
Monophysitism was born in the theological "School of Alexandria", which began its Christological analysis with the (divine) eternal Son or Word of God and sought to explain how this eternal Word had become incarnate as a man—in contrast to the "School of Antioch" (birthplace of Nestorianism, the antithesis of Monophysitism), which instead began with the (human) Jesus of the Gospels and sought to explain how this man had become united with the eternal Word in the Incarnation. Both sides agreed, of course, that Christ was both human and divine, but the Alexandrians emphasized divinity (including the fact that the divine nature was itself "impassible" or immune to suffering) while the Antiochines emphasized humanity (including the limited knowledge and "growth in wisdom" of the Christ of the Gospels). Individual Monophysite and Nestorian theologians in fact rarely believed the extreme views that their respective opponents attributed to them (although some of their followers may have). Ultimately, however, the dialectic between the schools of Alexandria and Antioch produced Christologies that on all sides (notwithstanding ongoing differences between the Oriental Orthodox and Chalcedonian churches) avoided the extremes and reflect both points of view.
Monophysitism was condemned by the Council of Chalcedon in 451, which among other things adopted the Definition of Chalcedon (often known as the "Chalcedonian Creed") stating that Christ is the eternal Son of God "made known in two natures without confusion [i.e. mixture], without change, without division, without separation, the difference of the natures being by no means removed because of the union, but the property of each nature being preserved and coalescing in one prosopon [person] and one hupostasis [subsistence]--not parted or divided into two prosopa[persons], but one and the same Son, only-begotten, divine Word, the Lord Jesus Christ."[2]
Accepted by the sees of Rome, Constantinople, and Antioch, the Chalcedonian settlement encountered strong resistance in Alexandria (and in Egypt generally), leading ultimately to the schism between the Oriental Orthodox churches (which reject Chalcedon), on the one hand, and the so-called Chalcedonian churches on the other. The Chalcedonian churches have always considered monophysitism to be heretical and have generally viewed it as the (explicit or implicit) position of the Oriental Orthodox churches. The Oriental Orthodox churches, on the other hand, consider their own Christology, known as Miaphysitism and based heavily on the writings of Cyril of Alexandria (whom all sides accept as orthodox), to be distinct from monophysitism, and often object to being labelled monophysites.[3][4]

Historical Development[edit]

Monophysitism and its antithesis, Nestorianism, were both hotly disputed and divisive competing tenets in the maturing Christian traditions during the first half of the 5th century, during the tumultuous last decades of the Western Empire. It was marked by the political shift in all things to a center of gravity then located in the Eastern Roman Empire, and particularly in Syria, theLevant, and Anatolia, where monophysitism was popular among the people.
There are two major doctrines that can indisputably be called "monophysite":
  • Eutychianism holds that the human and divine natures of Christ were fused into one new single (mono) nature: His human nature was "dissolved like a drop of honey in the sea".
  • Apollinarism or Apollinarianism holds that Christ had a human body and human "living principle" but that the Divine Logos had taken the place of the nous, or "thinking principle", analogous but not identical to what might be called a mind in the present day.
After Nestorianism, taught by NestoriusArchbishop of Constantinople, was rejected at the First Council of EphesusEutyches, an archimandrite at Constantinople, emerged with diametrically opposite views. Eutyches' energy and the imprudence with which he asserted his opinions brought him the accusation of heresy in 448, leading to his excommunication. In 449, at the controversial Second Council of Ephesus Eutyches was reinstated and his chief opponents EusebiusDomnus and Flavian, deposed. Monophysitism and Eutyches were again rejected at theCouncil of Chalcedon in 451.

Later, monothelitism – the belief that Christ was two natures in one person except that he only had a divine will and no human will – was developed as an attempt to bridge the gap between the monophysite and the Chalcedonian position, but it too was rejected by the members of the Chalcedonian synod, despite at times having the support of the Byzantine emperors and once escaping the condemnation of a Pope of Rome, Honorius I. Some are of the opinion that monothelitism was at one time held by the Maronites, but the Maronite community, for the most part, dispute this, stating that they have never been out of communion with the Catholic Church.

Even a few extra pounds deadly for your heart

Times of India - ‎2 hours ago‎
Researchers have proved for the very first time that being overweight can raise the risk of heart disease as well as diabetes and high blood pressure.

Vit D helps lower BP in women with diabetes

Times of India - ‎4 hours ago‎
Vitamin D supplements significantly lowers blood pressure and improves moods of women who have type 2 diabetes and show signs of depression, a new study has found.