Thursday, June 27, 2013

(Extract  from  the  GEETA)
[Acceptable  even  by   any  Atheist ]\
I  .Life  begins  in  Earth-ignorance ,  grows  in  CONFUSION. Material  skill  may  not  help in  Spiritual
    Voyage .
2 .DISCRIMINATION   is  the ' Light'. Death  not  END  but  of  of many -many  ' EXIT_Door' only.
   ATTACHMENT  is suffering .
3  WORK   is  inherent  in  our  NATURE but  not  the  GOAL.
4.  EXPERIENCE  alone  is  real  Knowledge ; BOOK-Knowledge   is  borrowed knowledge only .
5 .  RENUNCIATION   is not  running  away  from   OBLIGATIONS  to  Life .
6   MEDITATION  is  throwing  away  all  Exogenous  thoughts .
7 , WORLDLY  &  COSMIC  Knowledge , both  together   the PATH  or  TAO .
8.  Eight  ELEMENTS  ( not  Greek -5) in combination   make  COSMOS  .
9 .Rajo -Joga   like  ' Experimental  Science' is the only way  to  meet  the  DIVINE.
10.  Talents , Genius , all  S,S P ( Supra Sensual power) are   Divine  -gift  through Genetic  or
     SPIRITUAL (Prarabdha) -  Inheritance   from  Divine ..
11. God-seeing  is  never  Visual -experience but  Spiritual  attainment  .
12. BHAKTI  or  Devotional Love  comes after  God-realization only.( You can not   love  or  respect
      anyone  or thing - you  never  saw  or  knew .)
13. The  FIELD - KNOWER- KNOWLEDGE   is   indivisible or unified  Trinity -  gift  from  Divine .
!4.  VIBRATION  from  Divine-Energy ( MAHAT)  generates  MIND, INTELLIGENCE  and  EGO in
      the name of SATTWA--RAJO  and TAMA. Their  RELATIVE  proportion  within  us  make  the type
     of  'MAN'  --we are .
15.  The  MANIFESTED  UNIVERSE  is  like  a Huge  tree  placed  Upside-down  and the  ROOT ,THE
       ABSOLUTE  or  Fist  Cause is  ever Invisible  Quantum  SOURCE from which  every thing  and
       Nothing (Dark Energy  & immutable )  are  ever  born . .
!6. CONSCIOUS  Humanity  has  THREE  potentials ;  Divine  , Human  &  DEMONIC.
     Anger, Greed  and  Lust  are  3   doors  for  self - Destruction ( Hell).
17  Shraddhaa ( no synonym in English ) is  an  in- born or  Genetic  disposition ( ? Faith). and also  are
      three   types ( good-bad-ugly). Types  of  Food  can  influence   our inner  mood  and  impulses.
18.  Liberation  from  the  World  of  ATTACHMENTS  by  transcending  all  bound-condition of
       LIVING, should  be the  GOAL  of  LIFE .
       Dhaarma  is  the  WAY  of  living  while  RELIGION  is  the  SOCIO-ETHNIC .ID  or 'Dressing -
     Gown '.
(CONCLUDED) :  Commentary , if  necessary   will  follow .

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